Happy to be here!!!


12 Years
Feb 8, 2007
HI all, Peg here. I just wanted to say that this is a great forum! You don't know how much it means to me to be able to talk about chickens with out the other person's eyes glazing over from boredom! Can you believe that. Some people just don't have any interest in them! So far I've got some great help with my questions and have enjoyed reading other peoples problems and how they solved them. For years people have thought I was crazy, because I like chickens so much. I started out collecting glass and etc. chickens in unusually forms[like paperweights etc.] But two years ago my sister gave me nine shaver reds for my birthday. I had just gotten out of the hospital for stress related stomach problems and was some surprised. My husband built my first coop in a day,because she didn't give him much notice. Ever since I,ve been hooked on the real thing. And they are great for relieving stress! I like nothing more than going out and sittting with them while they free range and yes they do talk]quite a bit]. So thanks again. Also while I,m posting, does any one have any feedback about avian flu and the goverment's agenda for dealing with the problem?
Welcome to BYC.com

I know what you mean about people not being interested in chickens . . . they don't know what they're missing

I'm assuming you're in the US, so

I'm sure I can find the relevant information if you're from another country though.
Hi Pegbo
Joined the forum for the same reason you did, to talk to to some else who enjoys keeping chickens. most people just laugh and think I'm strange because I keep chickens, and then want to know what I do with any extra eggs I have,and offer to buy them. There is a market for fresh eggs in this area.
pegbo, this really is a great place to learn about poultry.

I have come to realize the more I learn, the more I really don't know.

Glad you are here too!

Hi! Thanks for welcoming me. I found the site while browsing the web. Sometimes I like to look for any thing to do with chickens! I'm in NY about 20 mins. from Ithaca, and I get the backyard poultry mag. and they seem to be talking alot about avian flu and gov. issues! I only have 23 chickens and they are pets, so I'm not sure whats going on there. PS yes! They all have names!
I'm new too. I don't have chickens YET, just doing the research. My poor friends have to sit through my long "listen to what I learned about chickens today!"-lectures. In the beginning, all they could say was "you live in the suburbs, you can't HAVE chickens!" But today I found out I can. Yay! Can't wait to share chicken stories with everyone. We are looking to get chicks closer to Easter.

You'd be amazed at how many had chickens, have chickens or want chickens...I've only been addicted for 3 years, will be four on Memorial day. And I can't imagine not having a chicken...

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