Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

Incubator, check
Eggs secured, check (they ship on the 7th)
Husband going to kill me because I promised no more hatching till spring, check
Blame it on me.
Tell them your are hatching them for me.
It will work.
Hi I might join this hatch along. I have eggs coming tomorrow. Silkie and polish! It’s my first time hatching polish so wish me luck!
I just have a question:
So I have a broody chicken and she’s been broody for 2-ish weeks. My question is should I risk hatching the eggs from her or just incubate them? I’d prefer to hatch from her but I won’t if it’s too risky. What do you guys think?
Hi I might join this hatch along. I have eggs coming tomorrow. Silkie and polish! It’s my first time hatching polish so wish me luck!
I just have a question:
So I have a broody chicken and she’s been broody for 2-ish weeks. My question is should I risk hatching the eggs from her or just incubate them? I’d prefer to hatch from her but I won’t if it’s too risky. What do you guys think?
I'm doing this as well. Shipped eggs will be here tomorrow. I will give them 24 hours to rest sitting upright with large air pocket on top, before I give my broody the eggs, she's been broody for over a week. I've read from other people that they usually hatch them out, but there are cases of some quitters. I'm hoping my broody silkie isn't a quitter :fl
I had a broody that would not break. Finally gave her some eggs after about 2 weeks, but one got smashed, then another, then another. So i incubated the rest and gave her other eggs. The original eggs (only 2 left) are due Thursday, so i took them back to her tonight (one was actually internally pipped already), so she can hatch and raise them, and I'll remove the stand-in eggs if/when these hatch. :D
I'm doing this as well. Shipped eggs will be here tomorrow. I will give them 24 hours to rest sitting upright with large air pocket on top, before I give my broody the eggs, she's been broody for over a week. I've read from other people that they usually hatch them out, but there are cases of some quitters. I'm hoping my broody silkie isn't a quitter :fl

Yes I’ll let my eggs sit too. And I might try moving her tonight and see if she stays in a seperate pen.
I reckon you’ll be right with her I’ve had silkies and they are very determined!!
I had a broody that would not break. Finally gave her some eggs after about 2 weeks, but one got smashed, then another, then another. So i incubated the rest and gave her other eggs. The original eggs (only 2 left) are due Thursday, so i took them back to her tonight (one was actually internally pipped already), so she can hatch and raise them, and I'll remove the stand-in eggs if/when these hatch. :D

Yeah ok how come they kept smashing?
Hi I might join this hatch along. I have eggs coming tomorrow. Silkie and polish! It’s my first time hatching polish so wish me luck!
I just have a question:
So I have a broody chicken and she’s been broody for 2-ish weeks. My question is should I risk hatching the eggs from her or just incubate them? I’d prefer to hatch from her but I won’t if it’s too risky. What do you guys think?
welcome.gif In my experiences, if a broody has been setting that long...she should set successfully. But each hen is an individual. If you're in doubt, you can try putting golf balls or marked eggs of your own under her to confirm how dedicated she is.

I'm doing this as well. Shipped eggs will be here tomorrow. I will give them 24 hours to rest sitting upright with large air pocket on top, before I give my broody the eggs, she's been broody for over a week. I've read from other people that they usually hatch them out, but there are cases of some quitters. I'm hoping my broody silkie isn't a quitter :fl
welcome.gif I don't think I've ever had a broody quit on eggs. I usually have the opposite problem and stop them from wanting to set...lol

I will say for both of you that sometimes shipped eggs are riskier and you may eggs more prone to having issues and possibly oozing/leaking/messing up the nest and other eggs. I believe that may be why some incubate them.

For me, I incubate shipped/purchased eggs for the reasons above and so that those eggs don't come in contact with our flock for disease reasons. It's just my preference.:p

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