Guinea x chicken hybrid grow-along

Today Ember saw the vet, I feel a little helpless with her case. Vet doesn't think amputation likely to contribute to quality of life - she will check with some other vets but likely means putting her down in future as her quality of life will worsen.

They did make some booties for her that are a little bit more sturdier and she's using them. The vet thinks the left foot isn't fixable. The right one MIGHT be able to be semi-normal (Ember's "normal" so flat and curled toes but at least toes not pointing up, not that of a normal foot). So for now we wait and see, and see what the other vets might say.View attachment 3582466
I think it's great you're doing all you can to try and help Ember. Is that a nike logo on her boot? If so that's cool.
I think it's great you're doing all you can to try and help Ember. Is that a nike logo on her boot? If so that's cool.
Thank you. Yes my vet clinic is a fun, humerous bunch so they put the logo on the boot as a decoration and it made me laugh. Hybrid or not I'd do the same for a bird that wasn't "as special". I just hope I am capable of making that difficult call when it would be in her best interest. That I wouldn't keep her around or longer than I should have, for selfish reasons. At this point she seems content, she actually seems to mobilize better with the booties though still her balancing won't ever be perfect. She's foraging in the bedding, preening herself, no problems eating/drinking so I don't feel it's time yet, even though as the vet said it will get harder on me the longer it goes on, too. It may not be best go go off behaviour alone though because being a prey animal they're wired to hide all signs of weakness as long as possible. In general its better to say goodbye a day early than a day late but I hope I'm making the right call in keeping her around a little longer. I wish I could easily upload some video of her but doesn't look like that's an option.
Thank you. Yes my vet clinic is a fun, humerous bunch so they put the logo on the boot as a decoration and it made me laugh. Hybrid or not I'd do the same for a bird that wasn't "as special". I just hope I am capable of making that difficult call when it would be in her best interest. That I wouldn't keep her around or longer than I should have, for selfish reasons. At this point she seems content, she actually seems to mobilize better with the booties though still her balancing won't ever be perfect. She's foraging in the bedding, preening herself, no problems eating/drinking so I don't feel it's time yet, even though as the vet said it will get harder on me the longer it goes on, too. It may not be best go go off behaviour alone though because being a prey animal they're wired to hide all signs of weakness as long as possible. In general its better to say goodbye a day early than a day late but I hope I'm making the right call in keeping her around a little longer. I wish I could easily upload some video of her but doesn't look like that's an option.
Can you upload the video on YouTube? Supposedly, in Gallery, you can upload videos and then share the link here. Here's the link to Gallery:
Ember may be capable of living longer however it seems doubtful it would be humane to keep 'her' alive as her deformities worsen with growth.

I haven't checked with them yet I don't think. But at same time I hesitate to do it if "she's" going to be euthanized within a month kind of thing. I'm so bummed, I would have gone through with amputation if it would be considered to increase her quality of life but I suspect it's one thing to lose a single foot, but both like Putput isn't great. I've tried posting in different places hoping someone might have had a similar foot issue and solution but it seems feet issues like hers are very rare and/or they're put down early so the deformity hasn't had a chance to become so severe.
I agree with you it doesn't really matter if Ember is a he or she, other than just for curiosity's sake. I think Ember will let you know when she is ready to leave; the animal companions we share our lives with always do. As an aside on the amputation issue, I have a hen that lost both feet to frostbite. While she gets around ok/so-so, her mobility is nowhere near comparable to a normal chicken. It's hard enough for a human double amputee to learn to walk again, and bird prosthetics currently aren't even close to comparable to human ones. Ember Might learn to walk on stumps, but I could never recommend anyone amputate their bird's feet in hope they will have better mobility than before. However long or short a life that Ember lives, please keep documenting her life, because she is very special.
It's been a bit since my last update and sorry for not replying earlier - I'm not keen on the idea of uploading video elsewhere from an account and sharing here so I guess I'll stick to photos.

Anyways Ember is still going strong and has been free ranging with the rest of the birds for a while now. I ordered some cool neosponge booties I found and they finally came in a couple days ago after being delayed twice. They're a little on the large size but otherwise pad both feet nicely, and she's actually moving about fairly well, keeping up with the chicks I hatched alongside her and her balance is improved. I know vet's recommendation was to euthanize... but watching her out and about, eating and seeming happy, I don't think she's at the point yet.

You can see in the photo below her right foot at least isn't palm-up, like her left one still is. Surprisingly the other birds (including my a-hole guineas) aren't picking on her.

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It's been a bit since my last update and sorry for not replying earlier - I'm not keen on the idea of uploading video elsewhere from an account and sharing here so I guess I'll stick to photos.

Anyways Ember is still going strong and has been free ranging with the rest of the birds for a while now. I ordered some cool neosponge booties I found and they finally came in a couple days ago after being delayed twice. They're a little on the large size but otherwise pad both feet nicely, and she's actually moving about fairly well, keeping up with the chicks I hatched alongside her and her balance is improved. I know vet's recommendation was to euthanize... but watching her out and about, eating and seeming happy, I don't think she's at the point yet.

You can see in the photo below her right foot at least isn't palm-up, like her left one still is. Surprisingly the other birds (including my a-hole guineas) aren't picking on her.

View attachment 3630497
That's a great update!
It's been a bit since my last update and sorry for not replying earlier - I'm not keen on the idea of uploading video elsewhere from an account and sharing here so I guess I'll stick to photos.

Anyways Ember is still going strong and has been free ranging with the rest of the birds for a while now. I ordered some cool neosponge booties I found and they finally came in a couple days ago after being delayed twice. They're a little on the large size but otherwise pad both feet nicely, and she's actually moving about fairly well, keeping up with the chicks I hatched alongside her and her balance is improved. I know vet's recommendation was to euthanize... but watching her out and about, eating and seeming happy, I don't think she's at the point yet.

You can see in the photo below her right foot at least isn't palm-up, like her left one still is. Surprisingly the other birds (including my a-hole guineas) aren't picking on her.

View attachment 3630497
Oh, wow, she's looking great! Those booties look really good on her too. I'm glad that they are helping.
Time flies when you're having fun! Sorry @Prince and Pavo I didn't see a notification of your question when you sent it.

Ember is still around with us. Over her first winter even with her booties she lost a couple toes but otherwise is doing good still. I can confirm she is actually a she as we were gifted with an egg today that is brand new to us - not from my chickens and obviously not a guinea egg (it's the egg in between the chicken and guinea one in photo below). I did see her have nesting behaviors (throwing straw on her back) just the other day, too, so looks like my gut instinct was correct :) She has these TINY wattles on both sides of her face, and her feathers just have this beautiful penciling. I'm happy she's still with us ❤️


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