
  1. Keeper of Flocks

    Greetings! New member introductions >

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 21 (3) What breeds do you have? I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females I have...
  2. K

    Plymouth Rock Roo x Welsummer Hen

    Hi, I THINK this is a BR Roo x Wel Hen. It’s a pretty chick admittedly but I’m not sure whether having a BR Roo makes it sex linked and I was wondering if anyone has seen this pattern before?
  3. DavisHenitentiary

    ISO Bantam hatching eggs! Ameraucana and Welsumer ☺️

    Hello all! I am looking for hatching eggs to grow my flock. I am interested in bantam Ameraucana and Bantam Welsumers. I can pickup within two hours of 39465, Petal MS, or I’m open to having them shipped ☺️ Please help!!
  4. B

    Totally new to chickens, wondering what breed this one is

    Hi! New to the chicken world. In love with my 6 random birds from tractor supply. I’ve been able to (I think) identify the breed of all but this little gem. Tractor supply had all of their breeds in one brooder bin, so the description of what we were getting wasnt on the label. Remember, I’m...
  5. ChickMama23

    Pandemic pets

    Hi! I’m a SAHM of toddlers and we got 4 chicks last year, grabbed them from feed store on our way home from our first pandemic grocery run. We’re on outskirts of Houston . Shocked they survived, as we had lost chicks to cats before. Anyways we have two australorp and two silver laced...
  6. 5 Best Chicken Breeds for Children

    5 Best Chicken Breeds for Children

    Keeping backyard chickens is a great way for children to learn responsibility, without the obligation of daily walks or training that comes with indoor pets. The care and feeding of a small flock of hens is something even young children should be able to handle with some supervision. For...
  7. TheChiggens

    Getting Chicks This Summer! Anyone Else?

    Getting chicks around July to replenish the flock for about the 4th time. Getting a BO rooster And some Welsumer chicks! As always I can't wait and it's not even Christmas yet! :barnie Anyone else getting some?
  8. Over_Easy47

    Can someone tell me if these are welsumers

    Do these baby chicks look like welsumers? I was told they were but I'm just not sure of it...if you don't think so, then what are your guesses?
  9. Freidabrest

    Hello I’m Freida!

    Hello I’m Freida I’ve had my own backyard chickens for the last two years, however I’ve looked after and cared for chickens since I was about 9 (I’m 18). Currently I have 6 hens, 2 chicks (female) and 2 cockerels that live at my grandad’s house (as we have a semi detached house) My oldest...
  10. triala

    Can anyone sex these four, please?

    I have (finally!) managed to get hatchable eggs and incubator working in synch, and hatched these little beauties just three weeks ago. They are Welsumers, and this is the first time I have had this breed. Can any experts out there figure out whether I have 2 girls and 2 boys, or 3 boys and 1...
  11. WildCHILD400

    Welsummer sexing!

    These are my 2 month almost 3 month old welsummers. I got them from the pullet bin but am concerned they are roos. Please help!
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