Green runny poop


9 Years
May 9, 2010
By Lake Superior
Tonight I noticed that my 2+ year old tom turkey was putting out this very stinky green runny poo. He is acting normal eating and drinking just fine, but he is molting. I have him and the rest of the birds on turkey grower, but I'm sure he gets some of the layer mix for my chickens. They all also get a little cracked corn every day and treats like zucchini and cucumbers that have gotten too big a couple times a week. I have chickens as well in the run. I know everyone says that you can't have the two together, but everyone does that here and I have never heard of a problem. Just wanted to note that it's been amazingly wet here. The run has had standing water in it twice this last week with more due tonight. In the coop I have about 8 inches of shavings mixed with food grade DE. The feeder is hung off the ground and the waterer is up on blocks so they can't get poop in there. I have electrolytes/vitamin mix and raw apple cider vinegar in the water. No real smell at all in the run and the coop, that was how I was able to smell his poop from outside the run when he let go. There is no blood in the poop. The beginning of Cocci maybe since it has been so wet?
Any access to compost or treats that may have turned? It could be botulism. When my roo had it, his poop was neon green and the smell could gag a maggot off a gut waggon, and that's being mellow about it. Keep a close eye on him for limber neck/paralysis....
The cracked corn is in a steel can and completely dry as is all the food, but the run is/has been wet this week. I feed them in the coop, but they have been getting the treats in the wet run. Cucumbers and Zucchini are right from the garden and not rotting at all, very fresh, just too big. I cut them down the little and they are gone pretty fast. I will keep an eye on all of them. Thanks for the info, didn't think of Botulism. The poop is dark green, but very smelly.
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Thanks for the link Andi. I'm bookmaking that page. It looks like what I was looking at is in the normal range of nastiness...
I guess I've been overly concerned because we have had record rainfall this month. I'm planning on putting construction sand in the run in September as the budget will allow. We are doing a bathroom remodel and money is tight right now. I'll still keep an eye on them though.
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I totally did the same thing! I never even knew that chickens did different types of poop every 10 poops until I got Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens.

I really think that that would save poultry lovers a lot of grief if we all knew those things! I even have 2 other books and they never mention it!
thank you for posting a link to this site.. I was very upset this morning with the poop one of my hens had left ... I couldn't believe it's in the normal range...Wow!!!!

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