Golden Manchurian vs Italian


Jun 5, 2019
Saint Louis, MO
Can anyone tell me what colors these are? The first three are females and last one is a male. The first three look reasonably similar however they all have slight differences. 3’s body is darker overall, 1’s head is more black compared to 2 and 3’s lighter brown heads, also 1 has a big white patch on the back of her neck. 4 just looks pretty different overall, so I was thinking he might be a different color than the girls.
Quail 1:


Quail 2:


Quail 3:


Quail 4:


I have a few other random quail that are definitely not Italians or golden Manchurians that I’m also wondering what color they are so I will start another thread for those.
Autumn amber is roux and Italian. Manchurian is 2 copies of Italian, but Italian is incompletely dominant, so you get a variety of patterns falling under the terms italian and manchurian.

Here’s my guess on the colors/patterns:

1. Normal Italian leaning towards manchurian.

2. I can’t tell if the feathers in the chin strap are dark brown or black, a roux bird will not have any black at all. I think it may be either autumn amber with a pattern leaning closer to manchurian than Italian, or, there’s a version of brown coloring (pharoah,range,etc) that is a distinct brown with no black, I think southwest gamebirds (?) had a genetics list that talks about that brown.

3. Autumn amber

4. Autumn amber leaning towards manchurian pattern, he’s very lovely.

if they cross the red boys to a normal colored (non red) bird, he will make lovely sex link babies and they can tell gender at hatch.

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