Golden Laced Wyandotte Missing Neck and Back Feathers


8 Years
May 27, 2015
Largo, FL
Hello everyone!

We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is anything I can do to help her. She has looked exactly like this for 3 weeks now.

Thank you for any help you may be able to provide! G


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Hello everyone!

We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is anything I can do to help her. She has looked exactly like this for 3 weeks now.

Thank you for any help you may be able to provide! G
Looks like she's being plucked. If feathers are plucked, they don't have the opportunity to grow.

How much space do you have and how many chicks?
It's very likely she's just being slow to feather out. What do you feed her? Have you checked her for mites? How much room do the chicks have?
She's adorable btw :love
Thank you! I have checked for mites (on everyone too) and have not seen anything. They also have access to dust bath sites which consist of wood ash, sand, and DE. We have 6 girls in the run. Their hen house is 25 sq ft with the run being 128 sq ft. They also free range at some point each day for at least an hour.

Endira did have a rough start as a chick with a general ‘failure to thrive’, slipped tendon and curled toes so I’m not sure if it’s just another hurdle with her feathers. I just feel bad because she’s been through so much and now she’s having trouble again! 🥺
Hello everyone!

We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is anything I can do to help her. She has looked exactly like this for 3 weeks now.

Thank you for any help you may be able to provide! G
Sounds to me like they have enough space (so it's unlikely they are picking on her out of boredom). But what do you feed them?
Sounds to me like they have enough space (so it's unlikely they are picking on her out of boredom). But what do you feed them?
They are on Mile Four - Grower and I mix the whole grains with their pelleted version, both of which are an 18% protein.

I did just order barley and wheat to grow for them but that won’t arrive for another week or so.
They are on Mile Four - Grower and I mix the whole grains with their pelleted version, both of which are an 18% protein.

I did just order barley and wheat to grow for them but that won’t arrive for another week or so.
Just dropping in to ask how you like Mile Four feed? In small quantities it is so expensive it's almost a joke, but I see that if you buy 460lbs. it then becomes almost half the price of Scratch and Peck and definitely something I would consider. i like that the grower is 18% bc I use grower as an all flock feed.

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