feather condition

  1. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Gosling with Infected feather follicle?

    I feel like my goslings are falling apart with my frequent post. But today I noticed my 7 week old Chinese gosling’s wing was red and swollen. Last week I treated him for Angel wing and this was not present at the time, and I haven’t noticed it until now so I believe this is new. The feathers...
  2. G

    Old Duck PLS HELP

    Hello! I am making this post in hopes that someone can suggest something to help my duck… I have a Muscovy duck named SPLASH who is quite old, he is about 15 yrs old, has lost sight in one eye, but still kicking :) SPLASH has always had wat we just called a ‘wonky wing’ ((we assumed he injured...
  3. Sproutablossom

    Duck with weird skin and bald patches - Anyone seen this before?

    So we have this little drake who gets picked on by the other boys (he has since been removed from the boy pen) They liked to hold him down and tear out feathers. It wasn’t bad at first as they all tugged on each other, but then we noticed that he started to do it to himself. Like self...
  4. TattooedChickenPapa

    Really bad feathers on chick

    So we hatched five Serama chicks recently 🥳🥳🥳 All of them have really nice feathers except for one and I can't figure out what's wrong with them. The one with the problem is the chipmunk coloration, and then just for comparison's sake I included one of the others. The feathers seem to be...
  5. Cheetah Chicks

    Molting from over 6 Months or just Hen Crazy

    My rooster is a rare pure breed Groninger Meuween from Netherlands. His name is Tiger, literally a pet nearly two years.Follows me on the street ,we go out on a morning walk even went on a road trip from London to Scotland. Also travelled in a train. Now his molting situation is worrisome. He...
  6. CrazyChickenMom11

    Hen Loosing All Her Feathers

    Hello, I have this hen who is a little over a year old that is loosing all of her feathers. I had a feather plucking problem in my flock but the two perpetrators have been dealt with since mid-April (put chicken blinders on them) and there are no other bullies. However, this one hen kept slowly...
  7. toppenheimer

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Missing Neck and Back Feathers

    Hello everyone! We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is...
  8. A

    Rescue ducks part 2

    Hi again, I posted earlier about four ducks I rescued and worried about the silver appleyard. Just tonight I was holding her and noticed that 75% of her feathers are broken off. I’ve only just had them for a day and she actually let me pick her up. I realize ducks molt and I was hoping someone...
  9. D

    Yellow chest feathers?

    Hi y’all! I have a Silver Applegate who twice now has lost a bunch of her chest feathers, ending up with these yellow looking ones. The first time, her white feathers came back only for her to lose them again. She’s only 3 months old. Is this normal, should I be concerned? Thank you!
  10. EriLynCap

    Newbie with potentially deteriorating chickens

    I apologize in advance for the length and for any future clarification questions. I am terrified of making things worse due to thinking I understand and being wrong. I have 4 chickens and a rooster. When I got them mid July they were this year's hens to my understanding and seemed very healthy...
  11. H

    Bald chicken - advice needed

    Hi all My first time posting. I’ve recently rehomed some ex battery hens and they’ve all being doing really well in terms of fattening up a bit and growing healthy feathers. A few have had issues around their necks though, with one in particular who’s lost feathers all down her neck and chest...
  12. jtmorgan86


    I have 2 silkie roosters they both are missing ALL their tail feathers. What could cause this? What should I do for it? Pests? Plucking? I’m confused! I inspected all the birds today. Some had poop on their butts. No signs of lice eggs. Some girls have torn feathers but I believe it’s from the...
  13. Mdico19

    6 week old chick looks greasy

    I currently have 6 week old chicks and one of them for the past 2 weeks has had different looking feathers. Feathers almost look wet or matted. Does not look like she is missing any feathers they just do not look nearly as full as the other chickens. I do have 6 different breeds so I am...
  14. L

    Bare skin and poor feather growth

    Hello all! I recently inherited two Rhode Island Red hens (about 2 or 3 years old) as my Pop passed away a month ago. Any chickens that my Pop kept always ended up losing most of their feathers - poor things!! No one is sure why and being a silly old man he didn't seem to think much of it. I...
  15. MallardMama19

    Feather loss

    Hey guys! It’s been awhile, but I have a question… I apologize if it’s been asked before…. I have a mixed flock of 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 Easter eggers, and 2 reds, all hens. My one Easter egged, Willow, has feather loss. Theee are no woulds, just looks like she has been plucked. I have 2 big runs...
  16. m1chelle1

    American tufted buff with feather/skin “issue”..?

    Hi all, I have a new 2 year old American tufted buff and she seems to have some skin and feather issues :confused: She seems to fairly constantly itch her skin (more than just preening) and she has quite a few broken feathers. It’s strange, it’s like feathers that break in half and the...
  17. 5

    PLEASE HELP…..Feather Loss = Disease!?!

    Hi! In Fall 2020, one of my hens molted early, in November/December 2020 two of other my hens began to molt, one of the two had a hard molt. When winter ended, my hen that hard molted fully grew her feathers back, but my other hen didn’t. Two more of my hens have this odd feather loss that...
  18. D

    Can anyone guess my hens age?

    Hello all! I am a new chicken owner; I got two chickens a few days ago! Unfortunately I do not trust the place we got them from too much because although they seemed sufficiently (barely sufficiently) cared for, my chicken was definitely the victim of some bullying and pecking from other...
  19. S

    feather issue

    Hello all, Hoping someone can help me with my flock’s feather issue. We have five laying hens of all different cold hardy varieties (we live in upstate NY where one day it is 70 and the next it is snowing - really, this is our weather forecast for today and tomorrow). All five hens exhibit...
  20. I

    Red butt and rubber eggs?

    I am a new chicken mom and I need some help. I adopted 5 pullets in October of last year. I noticed that 3 of them were pecking the other 2 (white ones) around the cloaca area. They were loosing feathers and bleeding!! So I separated them until they healed and that seemed to solve the...
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