Goat getting ready to kid? Help?

Yes you can, but you probably won't. I'm in the same type of area. I do the shot pre breeding, and then I'd they are looking like they need. Usually a couple times a year is all I have to give. Doing the gel you might need to give it once every couple of months. It will depend on the goat. :)
Yes you can, but you probably won't. I'm in the same type of area. I do the shot pre breeding, and then I'd they are looking like they need. Usually a couple times a year is all I have to give. Doing the gel you might need to give it once every couple of months. It will depend on the goat.

Okay. I am going to give her the gel as soon as it arrives. And maybe mark a schedule for giving it to everyone on the calendar after that.
Do you think every 3 months would be about right?
How can you tell they look like they need it?
Thank you! You are fantastically helpful.

I'm not sure when she will go into labor... today when I felt for those ligaments, they were there- only a little rubbery.
Guess she is going to keep me guessing.
In the meantime I'm happy to have had time to get the kidding kit ready and learn more!
Here is what she looked like today. Could it be that she isn't pregnant after all, and what I saw was part of a heat cycle?
I'd be surprised since she was running with a buck for who knows how long before I got her. The people said she was probably pregnant, and I let her and the boy stay together so they would have company. Do does ever refuse bucks? They pal around together and used to sleep next to each other which was really cute. So it's not as if she doesn't like him...

She has a little goo still, I gently cleaned her up a bit again since it's sticky and was getting straw and poo stuck to her. But she looks less puffy/smaller there...

she is so shaggy it's hard to see her udder, but still very small. Am I just impatient?

She is definitely rounder than when we got her, certainly noticeably bigger than a month ago, but that could just be all the hay and proper goat food?

I so wish this wasn't such a guessing game my first time with all of this. It's so nerve wracking!
She looks pregnant to me. Have you heard of Doe's Secret Code Of Honor? If not, watch this:
It will explain everything, lol.

Oh, and as to the goo.... I have one Doe who has goo her entire pregnancy. All five months, every pregnancy. Don't know why, but she does.
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These r all My ff females the only 1 I'm not sure about is the white n black female Wat do y'all think she been wit my male Sept- Oct
I am not experienced enough to know.
I read that there is a blood test you can do to make sure.
If it looks like two basketballs inside her she's preggers lol. If I remember correctly when our goat had kids she had that discharge for a week or two before birthing. I wouldn't be to worried about it, ours made a buncha noise when she was about to birth too lol so that could be a good indicator

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