Gaggle of Geese Lovers

I almost ended up with a brown Chinese goose yesterday. A very tame one somehow landed in the yard at the local correctional facility. One of my neighbors, who works at the prison, picked it up and loaded it into the covered bed of his pick-up truck.

He stopped by to see if I would take it. I have no place to quarantine or house another goose. I put him in touch with the head of the county 4-H poultry project, and she thinks she knows someone who will take the goose. I hope it works out because if he asks a second time, I might have to figure out a way to make it work. The goose is beautiful!
Here's the pictures. He lead them across the field straight up the hill directly towards eleven Canucks. Then once they were close they single file marched along side them. I figured that was close enough and decided to intervene.
A general bravely leading the charge! They look like army soldiers, and I'm sure they thought the same of themselves.
Just earlier we went to check on our Polly who’s currently brooding over eggs and my mum said “there’s a gosling!!!! A gosling has hatched!!!” She does stuff like that all the time as a joke so for a second I didn’t know whether to believe her until I saw a little head poking out from under Polly! Polly is very docile and loving toward me so she let me check it over and it looks very healthy! I’ll have to wait to see how many more hatch but she’s doing a great job so far by the looks of it
I forgot wild goslings weren’t so big and fat and fluffy! They are so tiny!
I could have gotten good pictures but I didn’t want to disturb them. I feel like the people who complain about “aggressive” Canada geese just don’t know what personal space is.
I've been around Canadians all my life, only once recently did I see one trying to get into a building hissing at me through the window. Every other time they're docile even when leading their goslings across the street holding up traffic.

I bet those mean goose videos were taken near a nest. I've never seen wild geese even with their goslings attacking cars like my Gander, but he probably thinks my whole property is his.

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