Friend wants a goat for the wrong reasons- I need help

"And hey PurpleChicken, I'm a college student - while I might be stubborn, I like to think I have some common sense... ~ Oaknim"

Hey there are exceptions to every rule.
Some people might actually say I have no common sense - I'm frequently walking around holding an object, not realizing it of course, while simultaneously looking for it. It can't be senility, I'll be 24 at the end of this month.
But I gots me some sense, I do!
~ Oaknim
I'm 27, a few years out of college, and still managed to go a wild goose chase looking for my glasses last night.

The glasses I happened to be wearing the entire time.
That is too funny, Pansophia! When I was about 14, my father picked me up from a friend's house after a sleepover. We were still driving down the street, about 20 feet from our house when I said, "Where's mom?" And he said, "At home..." And I said, "Well where's her car?" And he looked at me and said, "We're in it!"
It's a wonder I ever learned to tie my shoes...

Not to hi-jack this thread, Carri! You should tell your friend that if wonderful hobby farmers like us have such a difficult time with everyday things, then she couldn't possibly handle a goat! ~ Oaknim
OK sorry about losing the point of this thread. Oaknim you write your posts with a wisdom that seems well beyond your age. As for losing things, I lose tools on a daily basis that are in my hands, pockets, or staring at me. It's getting worse with age and I'm only 36.

P.S. My wife is a college student and older than I am. Sure glad she isn't reading this.
Hey, just read the thread, and at the risk of getting it back on track (
) make sure your friend understands these wise words by Oaknim:
"Goats poop a lot - it's in neat little packages, like rabbit poo - but all that grass could give it diarrhea. Not to mention that if she's not planning and going out to pick up every single one of those little berries, there will be flies, especially after it rains and it's hot outside. Goats jump on things and poop on them. Goats step in their poop and put their front feet on things."

With that and the fact that goats are browsers, not grazers, and think of fences as fun stuff to climb, see if she re-thinks her great idea and just invests in a lawn mower of the mechanical kind.

And now we return to the hijacked theme: senior moments and college wisdom.....
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