For those who use wire dog crate for outdoor time .....

I would think that even if you secure the sides with hardware cloth or chicken wire, that something pushing the crate over is a fear too! There may be wires on the bottom of the crate (duh! at first I thought it was open on the bottom !) but if they aren't protected, and it tips, then they can get out through the bottom.

I have a crate I could use like this and while I would have thought to take care of the sides, I may not have thought about making sure something like a dog couldn't crash into it and push it over, exposing the bottom. So thank you for sharing your experience with us, sad as it is

Even if you put weight on top, that's not going to stop a dog from jumping or charging and being able to tip it. I'm not even sure landscape staples or something similar anchoring it to the ground would stop even a medium sized dog.

Of course, if you're sitting out there with them that would be fine but even running in to use the bathroom or answer the phone could be enough time for a determined dog to create a disaster. Ugh!

P.S.... the neighbors dog needs to learn to STAY HOME!
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