For those who use wire dog crate for outdoor time .....


9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
NW Missouri
If you use something like this ....

make sure to cover the bottom half with chicken wire. I just lost one chick to the neighbor dog. He got loose (because the owner is just stupid !!!!!!!) and I guess charged the crate. The chicks got so freaked out that somehow two where able to squeeze through the bars (I don't know how, they are 3 1/2 weeks old and quite big). I was able to catch one but couldn't get to the second one fast enough. Dog got her first
Im sorry for your loss!
if the dog charged at it, it could've lifted up a bit and the chicks ran out. Thats horrible though. Nice of you to warn other though, I was actually thinking about getting some kind of outdoor enclosure for my little ones.
I am so sorry for your loss.

With that said the dog pen you have them in not going to work. The spaces between the bars are too big for them to be safe. A large breed chick at 3 1/2 weeks CAN get through that wire. Also, you cannot leave them unattended in a crate like that. I would suggest that if you want them to be outside that you have a pen made of hardware cloth (1/2 inch x 1/2 inch) - also on the bottom and a coop or shade for them to get out of the sun that will protect them from predator's and your neighbor's dog. Good Luck!
I am always outside with them and there was a big piece of wood on top of the crate for shade.
But I know better now and put something on the bottom half so if there is a panic going on nobody can squeeze through.
I am so sorry for your loss. I was actually going to dig out our old dog crate for that very purpose. It looks just like yours. Your warning came in the knick of time and will be heeded. Thank you.
I'm sorry you lost your babies
I kept my babies in a cage exactly like that in my coop, I added wire and cardboard to the bottom/sides but there was a gap under the door that they were able to slide right under and coons got three, the one night I accidently leave the pen open
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So sorry about your chick.
I too was going to use my old dog crate and now I know I should secure it extra. I want to thank you for sharing, as horrible as it is, so that others like myself can learn. Very glad the others made it safe though.
Yes, I am so sorry about what happened to your baby.
I just made a new pen out of PVC and poultry wire, because my little RIR could still squeeze through the dog crate wires at 4 weeks... so yes, thank you, I will heed your warning for my next batch of babies this fall.
You can just get some hardware cloth and cut it the size of the cage "walls," and then use a few wire ties to tie the hardware cloth on to your existing dog pen. Or you can use bird netting (the kind gardeners use), only it will take alot more wire ties to do the job right if you use garden netting. Personally, I just use hardware cloth.

That's how I did it, and I can keep day old chicks in it once I tied some hardware cloth to the outer cage walls.
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Sorry for your loss

I use a dog crate like that and wrap it with hardware cloth like another poster said. I have a piece of siding on top that I move around to account for shade.

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