Foot problem in a 3 week old duckling

Is he swimming? My duck is having the same issue but the water seems to make it slightly easier for him, it’s like his (elbows) are working and kind of his legs but his feet aren’t
My one little Call Duckling that I had shipped to me had a leg that seemed completely useless. I let it swim for short periods every day for a few days and finally the leg part started working better but the foot was still curled up. I flattened the foot and put pieces of tape on both sides of it to keep it flat. It started walking on it just fine and by the next morning managed to get the tape all off and was just fine. I was shocked it fixed itself in less that 24 hours, two weeks after it had happened. I was very fortunate as she is a strong healthy little duckling and has actually outgrown her brother when she started out to be so tiny. She quacks so I know for sure she is a Hen. She is now 5 weeks old. I pray that yours gets better soon.

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