Clarification is necessary for my situation. That troublesome rooster belongs to the tenant next door, which I purchased from the owner of the property. Eviction notices are issued to the tenant and his animals. The tenant that I have in my front house has been late on his lease for a while. So eviction proceedings are in process there too.
Basically, I needed to take out the trash (as my lawyer worded it)
Good luck Alex.
May I suggest your first home improvement project should be a really good fence.
And smart.
I love my Aphrodite. She is so pretty. 😍
The Bigs and Littles, an Introduction.

Lore, snicker and doodle all came over to say hello the wee ones. Lore surprised me entirely by spending the most time with them. He immediately set to showing them how to peck and scratch and even chased off a curious Myth. Then lost interest and was off in search of bugs. But it went really really well!

The big eye jubilee is holding strong but as you will see her feathers are coming in all askew and she is still tiny. Fighting for it though!

Also, can anyone tell em if these Ameraucanas are going to grow up to be black or blue? I am fine with either, the breeder wasn’t sure which they would end up being and I curious.

The Bigs and Littles, an Introduction.

Lore, snicker and doodle all came over to say hello the wee ones. Lore surprised me entirely by spending the most time with them. He immediately set to showing them how to peck and scratch and even chased off a curious Myth. Then lost interest and was off in search of bugs. But it went really really well!

The big eye jubilee is holding strong but as you will see her feathers are coming in all askew and she is still tiny. Fighting for it though!

Also, can anyone tell em if these Ameraucanas are going to grow up to be black or blue? I am fine with either, the breeder wasn’t sure which they would end up being and I curious.

I can’t let my little ones out like that yet. They are getting bigger, but I have too many stray hungry cats in the neighborhood. :(

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