RC is she still taking care of herself or deteriorating?
Piglet (as you might expect from her name) is very good about getting up and eating regularly. I actually think her ambivalence about sitting is because it interferes with her meal times!
It is Tassels who won’t get up unless I drag her off the nest.
Another week and Tassels will go into broody jail.
This guy caused so much heartache for Alex, his rooster caused damage Alex's flock because he was keeping it safe.

Alex needs to at least vent his feelings. He's got more control than most people, most people would have caused serious damage to that man and most certainly would have done something to his rooster.

Even in UK, we are permitted to protect our home and property, sadly that is what animals are considered law, property, when they are more like family
He said it was a different person.
Great photo!

I love the speckled suspect you have what is her name again?
Dottie! Queen of the flock. She’s kind to everyone, but mostly just because she doesn't think about anything other than feeding herself.
I don't either. I did shoot a chipmunk that wouldn't stop cussing at me. It shut up real quick :hmm
Dad shoots squirrels all the time. They take a bite from our pears and then drop them. They are such menaces. There was one time last year where he shot eight in one day.
I wanna go quail and duck hunting this summer… sorry 😅
You really just have to get used to holding a gun. I’ve had my BB gun for over a year and I have almost zero confidence when I’m shooting.
I made cupcakes in my sisters Easy Bake oven many years ago. The plastic oven caught fire and the cupcakes were ruined. 😡 why did they sell toys like that back in the 60’s?
I had an easy bake oven a long time ago. Actually, a few months ago I asked Mom if we still had it. We got rid of it when we moved, but I didn’t know that. I wanted to bake I guess.
Clarification is necessary for my situation. That troublesome rooster belongs to the tenant next door, which I purchased from the owner of the property. Eviction notices are issued to the tenant and his animals. The tenant that I have in my front house has been late on his lease for a while. So eviction proceedings are in process there too.
Basically, I needed to take out the trash (as my lawyer worded it)

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