Fixing a cracked egg


8 Years
May 18, 2011
Dixon Missouri
I searched and came across hundereds of threads figured it would be faster to just ask.

Moving eggs around one rolled into the other and cracked it a bit we are on day 13. I grabbed a small piece of tape and put it over the crack is that all you do?

Just wanted to say thank you.

I dropped an egg whilst candling it 3 days ago. 2/3rds of shell was cracked but membrane underneath was intact. The cracking was really bad (one side was essentially caved in) but almost all the shell was still in place. I covered it in wax which meant that 2/3rds of the egg was covered and then put it back under the hen. It hatched today and is fine.

I would not use duct tape because the adhesive on it is very acidic. You can use nail polish, tape will work, glue like elmers, or liquid bandaid, or wax will all work as long as the membrane is intact. If it's not then there really isn't much you can do at day 13.
Clear tape works fine. You may have to remove it when the chick pips on hatch day if they try and pip through the tape but other than that it should work fine.

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