first time hatching with broody hen

I don't know she come down to eat or drink if not you have to take her down 2 / day no more than 20 min.
And let do her job.
The most important thing you can do is leave her alone and let her do her job. Make sure she has food and water available so when she does want to eat and drink, it's there. Broodys do not spend alot of time off the nest, so you may not see it when she leaves to eat, drink, or poop. (Unless, of course, you are spending all day, every day watching her).
Some determined broodys WILL NOT get off to poop. I always kick them off once a day to save the eggs from the stink. If it happens it requires an entire nest change, and you will need to hold your breath or you will vomit lol.

Just because you have roosters that mate them all the time, doesn't mean there won't be one or two eggs that didn't get fertilized. I average a few infertile ones or some will die early on. If you don't throw them out they will start to stink.
okay so what do i look for ?? she gets of to poop and eat i put in a few treats and she eats them when im gone .... she pooped in her water and it spread all around in it i changed it and all i wanted to do was vomit it smelled so gross

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