February/March 2017 Hatch-a-long

Tomorrow the 12 is hatch day for mine and we have pips in I think 8 of 17 eggs. Hoping for all 17 to hatch don't know how realistic that is but I am hoping. They looked good and healthy at lockdown candling. Will keep ya posted. So do these count on feb hatch?
. Here's six of my 12 babies have 7 in incubator waiting for them to dry and have 2 trying to hatch so we may get 15 total outta 17 eggs. Had to assist two but they seem to be done fine. Had two die one pipped on bottom and we didn't find in on time, other one was popped and cracked the egg a good size shell it got rolled by chick and it's like it glued back together closed. Didn't even know about that issue. Still I'm happy and plana batch going to set in about a wk for march hatch. Thanks
I am new to hatching eggs and I got 6 in the incubator due 2/25/17 I think I may have messed up on them so not sure they going to hatch. I am reading and learning. I will be getting some Narragansett eggs in the future how far in the future I do not know yet guess when the gentleman can spare them and I am trying to get this hatching down right. So I will see come the 25, I will not give up I will get it right.
I have 14 that hatched yesterday and today had 17 eggs and through trial and error I could have had 100 percent hatch but I know the errors of my ways for my next hatch. Setting more eggs later this wk. also have two the last two to hatch that aren't doing the best just gonna leave them I. The incubator and hope for the best one is smaller than the others so now it's up to nature to work or take them. Thanks so much

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