Feathered Feet/Legs on Ameraucana Easter Egger??


Jul 25, 2022
I don't have pics yet, but I will add some as soon as I can remove babes from incubator. Just waiting on one more egg.
So here's the deal...I purchased hatching eggs from a woman with only Ameraucana chickens. Both roosters are black Ameraucanas, hens are a variety (mostly reds and wheaten) so I guess this technically makes my babies Easter Eggers :rolleyes: since they are a variety of colors and not one of the standard "recognized" colors (althought we do have two completely black babies). This whole Easter Egger from purebred Ameraucanas simply because a color isn't recognized thing is all so weird to me, but, I digress...
Whether or not they are simply Easter Eggers now, despite coming from purebred Ameraucanas; they are all hatched from blue eggs (some darker, some teal-y, some lighter blue) parents from the same flock but ONE of the mushroom colored chicks has feathered legs and feet!! None of the others, just the one.
What on Earth??
She has the most adorable fluffy ear muffs and beard, slate legs/feet, pea comb, and...feathered feet! LOL
How is this possible? Yes, they really did come from pure Ameraucana parents.
Some of the Easter egger (including Ameraucana for simplicity's sake) have Salmon Faverolle in their lines. Faverolles have 5 toes and feathered feet. The 5th toe shows up sometimes (not always on both feet) as does the leg feather.
Some interesting things about the making of the Ameraucana. Sumatra and Astralorps where used in the making of them. I can't remember the other breeds mentioned but EE can have alot in them and some times out lying characteristics crop up.

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