External pip w/THICK membrane and no Peeping


Aug 25, 2023
Guess who’s back, back again. Jojo’s back.. and needs help with hatching chickens~ lol ok SO! Rundown of set-up, timeline, and symptoms after the description off the issue. The egg in question is an Olive Egger (all my eggshells lightened this hatch like they were Sun bleached… and I don’t know why 🤦🏻‍♀️) also, the membrane is not that color, it’s almost off white when the plant lights are off (they have red and yellow nodes so everything is orange-brown when they’re on).


The Situation;
I don’t know when she pipped. I was unable to check this morning due to almost being late to work. When I returned home at 10:15pm I ran upstairs and saw the pip. Im out of the house 12 hours(142 miles round trip for work 😭). I can only confirm that there was NOT a pip at 5am this morning (I was still up). She looks as though she’s starting to zip, counter clockwise, but seems like she’s struggling a bit. My concern is her membrane. It’s THICK and looks almost like she pierced a vein because of the faint red line visible on the left most part of the membrane. It looks yellow (due to the lights) but it’s normally colored aside from the vein(?). It doesn’t seem to be dry or sticking to her, but she’s not made much progress in the last 2 hours and she’s not peeping. She is still trying to zip but taking long rests. Since I don’t know when the pip was, I worry about her membrane drying out and especially why it’s so dang thick!! No one else has pipped but they’re rolling around and seemingly ready to jailbreak.

I can safely apply bacitrin with a qtip attached to the blunt end of a bamboo skewer without opening the incubator. I simply use the vent holes in the top of the “incubator” because she’s she’s position in a way that I can get to her fairly easily. The vents were opened fully the entire incubation. This is normal for my hatches and to increase airflow I drilled a few other holes in the top sides of the incubator that stay plugged until lockdown to ensure the proper release of carbon dioxide. I don’t want to disturb her progress nor do I want to lose her. And what is up with her membrane? She was stored for 6 days in a stable 60 degree Fahrenheit location so it’s not like she just popped out and I stuck her in the bator!

Shwew that was long. Here are some additional images and my set up is detailed below the pics. The cell outline isn’t showing due to the lighting but her proximity along itstands to reason she pipped internally then externally.
Any ideas on what contributed to the thick membrane, and/or if I should hold off on the bacitrin(it has aloe but nothing else in it aside from the aloe and bacitrin

Thank you BYC!!! 🐣💛

Incubation Details
- DIY still air incubator made from led plant light panels (they’re cheap and get hot but to just the right temp and are set to turn on or off Delong on thresholds I can set remotely.

- Humidity around 50% for the first 18 days, then upon Lockdown it was increased to 75% using a pre-installed aquarium tubing that runs below the “aquarium divider” (works perfectly as a stand for the eggs to safely be above the water and have airflow from every angle) into a tray of nontoxic clear water beads (game changer for stable humidity, truly)

- Regular hand turnings at 2:00am, 10:45am, and 10:15pm until lockdown day

- At some point while I was at work, humidity jumped to 83% but has evened out at 78%.

- Temperature averaged 99.5 to 100.5 (I know it should be higher for still air, but this has always worked for me and I sometimes use a tiny computer fan I installed to lower the humidity a degree or two if it spikes.)

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