Emu housing and can they see at night?

Oh my goodness, ok so I don't have to worry then

this is a few of my babies ,top picture is ernie he is inside the building and elmo n peepers are standing out side with baby to the side , middle picture is Elmo she is my biggest egg layer ,and the last picture is champion
that's great ,so happy she has figured out that it is warmer in there, mine love there building ,is she for sure a girl and is she eating .just wandering, sometimes during breading time a male emu will shut down like a hibernation for up to 50 days ,but that is so they can sit on the eggs , an awesome parent ,that keeps the sitting area clean they don't use the bathroom or eat during sitting time , I am sure you already knew that ,I just thought it was worth mentioning , hope you stay warm ,I couldn't imagine being that cold .keep the pictures coming I love seeing them.
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I do not have a problem of fighting with my emu , if they seem to not get along I have separate pastures however I do have camera's on them at all times with sound , but out of 26 years I have never had a problem there are two in a separate area due to they were rescued off the highway and don't except other emu however never had a problem . I do have a friend that has had that happen , however the building does not have anywhere they can get trapped it has doors on front and back on all rooms so they always have an escape and my pen does not have sharp corners that can trap them , it has more rounded corners . does that answer your question , they are right in front of my house so I can see them at all times .how long have you been having Emu Xxnativewolfxx , thank you for your concern
well ill be getting 4 emu babies by the end of january! so im new to the emu world i have done the reasearch ect for more than 2 years but im always worried since im getting a 5 foot fence not the 6 foot and i dont have a HUGE pen and im worried abou tthem fighting and jumping out lol

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