Elector PSP question

Ocho 8 Farm

Sep 18, 2022
Southern Atlanta, GA
While doing a spring coop cleanup I discovered some of my girls have mites. I want to treat all 3 of my coops but one of them has 4 broody silkies in it. They are on day 12-14. With it hurt the developing embryos if I spray down the coop, nest boxes and mamas? I planned to move the girls to some temporary boxes for the day so I could do this.

If I wait until everyone hatches the infestation could be worse, and the babies would need to be treated as well. And again, will they be harmed if they are so young?

I’m just trying to go about this in the best way for the flock.
Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. 😊🙏🏻
Treating with Elector PSP will not harm the eggs. I would do the coop first, then go one nest at a time. Remove mom from the nest then her eggs. Strip her nest down bare, spray, re-bed with clean bedding, spray mom then move her eggs and her back to her nest.
Repeat with each nest until everything has been treated.
Treating with Elector PSP will not harm the eggs. I would do the coop first, then go one nest at a time. Remove mom from the nest then her eggs. Strip her nest down bare, spray, re-bed with clean bedding, spray mom then move her eggs and her back to her nest.
Repeat with each nest until everything has been treated.
Ok thanks for the advice. I just wanted to make sure all would be ok during this process. I would hate to cause harm to any babies.

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