Eggs in heat


10 Years
Apr 14, 2014
Forgetful me forgot my eggs on top of the chicken run from night before last so they were in the sun and heat in the morning yesterday. Will they still be ok to eat?
What was the temp? Do you have a rooster? I'd assume them to be ok, until they prove themselves to NOT be ok. Crack them into a plate or bowl, give a visual and smell test before committing them to the frying pan. A hen will lay a whole clutch of eggs before she incubates. Granted, they are usually in a shaded ground nest, but... still... eggs were designed for a long shelf life under not so great conditions.
I left mine setting on the wire on top of the run earlier this week. For 2 days, in full sun, triple digit temps, in plain sight. Finally one of The Locusts asked if I was trying to cook them by solar power...

Brought them in and made cookies this morning
. They're just fine.
I left mine setting on the wire on top of the run earlier this week. For 2 days, in full sun, triple digit temps, in plain sight. Finally one of The Locusts asked if I was trying to cook them by solar power...

Brought them in and made cookies this morning
. They're just fine.
During the week I can't collect eggs until I get home from work around 4:30 or so. Our daytime high's are always over 100 during the summer and some days it gets up past 115. My nest boxes are built into the coop and I can access from outside via a swing-open hatch, so they are in the shade but the temperature inside the coop during the afternoon is often 105-110. I've never had a bad egg yet - they all taste great; the same as eggs from any other time of the year. I wouldn't worry about it at all.
My nest boxes are on the east side of the coop, so avoid the midday and afternoon sun. And my coop is under a shade tree.
If you have a mobile coop, rotate it so the nest boxes face east.
Also in winter with no leaves on the trees the morning sun will warm the nest boxes. As my hens lay their eggs before 10am most of the time. GC
Basic bird biology: hens lay an egg a day for 8-15 days before they set. So of course an egg that sits a day or two is just fine. Actually you can leave them on the counter unwashed for a week at room temp before you really need to put them in the fridge.
What was the temp?  Do you have a rooster?  I'd assume them to be ok, until they prove themselves to NOT be ok.  Crack them into a plate or bowl, give a visual and smell test before committing them to the frying pan.  A hen will lay a whole clutch of eggs before she incubates.  Granted, they are usually in a shaded ground nest, but... still... eggs were designed for a long shelf life under not so great conditions.

It was 85 out that day. No rooster.

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