
Sep 30, 2023
Hey there this is my first time hatching chicks and I was almost at 100% until I saw an egg was rocking like it wanted to hatch… then no movement. It was doing this for two days. No pip. Should I pip for it? Or just cut my losses?? I really have no idea what to do.
Hey there this is my first time hatching chicks and I was almost at 100% until I saw an egg was rocking like it wanted to hatch… then no movement. It was doing this for two days. No pip. Should I pip for it? Or just cut my losses?? I really have no idea what to do.
I'm currently incubating for the first time. I think that maybe you should give it time
I'm currently incubating for the first time. I think that maybe you should give it time
I did. It was rocking for 2 days with no pip. And now no rocking. So this chick is now
3 days overdue. And probably has passed. But wanted the opportunity to help if that’s not the case
All of my other chicks have hatched. My final chick is hatching and I’m on day. 23. One of my chicks hatched and disoriented the egg. So I’m wondering if that’s what caused it
I would candle the egg and see if there is any movement. If you see some movement you could make a tiny safety hole in the air cell. It won't do anything unless it internally pips but it's still a nice precaution. If there is no movement I would carefully start opening the egg up. If once you start opening the egg and discover it's still alive, put it back in the incubator.
I would candle the egg and see if there is any movement. If you see some movement you could make a tiny safety hole in the air cell. It won't do anything unless it internally pips but it's still a nice precaution. If there is no movement I would carefully start opening the egg up. If once you start opening the egg and discover it's still alive, put it back in the incubator.
I would candle the egg and see if there is any movement. If you see some movement you could make a tiny safety hole in the air cell. It won't do anything unless it internally pips but it's still a nice precaution. If there is no movement I would carefully start opening the egg up. If once you start opening the egg and discover it's still alive, put it back in the incubator.
Okay. This is exactly what I was thinking. I juuuuuust am nervous.

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