egg help

  1. M

    Egg rocking then nothing

    Hey there this is my first time hatching chicks and I was almost at 100% until I saw an egg was rocking like it wanted to hatch… then no movement. It was doing this for two days. No pip. Should I pip for it? Or just cut my losses?? I really have no idea what to do.
  2. M

    Half dark half light

    I have an egg that’s half and half. When I move it a small amount moves. Like fluid the size of my pinky but the black blob is almost stuck. Is this a dud?
  3. M

    Wonky egg

    Just have a micro egg and was curious to know why my hen would lay this and what’s inside? Mini yolk and white? All yolk? All white? lol I don’t want to crack it yet because it’s so cute.
  4. Hykiko

    Little chicken egg unsure if it’s still alive

    Hi everyone, I’m back with questions, my little hen named little, laid this egg back in November between squeakers (my duck) laying her eggs. Squeakers eggs hatched between Dec 6-13th little’s I estimated to hatch around the 21st of December, however the egg has yet to hatch and I cannot tell...
  5. B

    Day 21 no internal or external pips

    Hi I’m incubating 6 chicken eggs I really need help I want all of them or atleast 4 to hatch I’ve been incubating for 21 going on 22 days now. I tried hearing them and 1 egg is probably internally pipped going to external in like 12 hours. All 6 eggs are starting to shadow. I am just wondering...
  6. K

    Problem with my bird egg im incubating

    My egg isn't a chicken duck or anything like those its a robin egg its not moving it has the main vein connected to bird but im not seeing other more bigger veins the egg is about 13 days i have a picture its nit the best but it should give an idea
  7. V

    Strange brown and white circles on yolk!?!

    I know yolks have white dots to show fertility but a couple of our recent eggs have multiple spots on them and they seem surrounded by dark orange and white? I can’t find ANYTHING online about this and it’s turning me off of my eggs 😂 Someone please help!
  8. ryleigh

    duck hatching prematurely

  9. ume

    which bulb should i get

    i found a pigeon egg a few days ago but left it thinking the mother would come back but did not. i put it in a box within a box and a plate of water for humidity. we are going to get a bulb for heat tomorrow but what is the amount of watts that should be in it. the box is 12 by 12 inches
  10. R

    First time mama HELP!

    Hey all! I have a first time broody who has been doing really well. Last night (5/27/20) we moved her into her own space in order to keep the other hens out of her nest since the hatching day is getting close. (three or 4 days to go) She was not at all happy and tried to go back to her old nest...
  11. ChickAdoooo

    Day 17, should my egg look like this?

    I need help! Tomorrow I need to lockdown an egg (there were more but they were duds) but, it looks like it has no veins. Please help! ( It's my first time incubating eggs, sorry if nothing is wrong. Also sorry for terrible pictures)
  12. T

    Pigeon egg help

    Hi I recently saved a pigeon egg as its mum was ran over An building work commenced. I incubated it an on day 9 but I’m looking at blood like rings ..... does this mean my efforts aren’t in vain ☹️
  13. olivesgarden

    How to care for Muscovy duck eggs? (Please help!)

    Long story short, today I came into possession of two muscovy duck eggs. However, I know next to nothing about eggs or chickens/ducks. Right now I currently have them in a cardboard shoebox nestled on a fleece blanket (they are sitting on the blanket rather than being surrounded by it so they...
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