
Nov 28, 2016
Our seven hens decided to go on strike suddenly. They've been laying perfectly for months. Then suddenly stopped one day. What could cause this? They have constant clean water and nutrutious feeding. Nothing has changed but the weather. Though that hasn't prevented them before.
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Best wishes

Pork Pie
Is there any evidence of something trying to get into your coop at night?

Have you checked for rat poop / nests or snakes in the coop?if your birds free range, I’d walk your property and look for a hidden nest.
It’s unlikely that everyone would stop at the same time.
They are cooped up, but it's pretty large area. I allow them to run free once awhile too.

Porky Pie thank you. I can edit that.

They are all 3 years old. The bunch is actually a variety of Rhode island reds and Silver Laced Wyondette.

Now that you mention it I'll go look around the coop. It's been awhile since I have found anything.
So, there was burrowing areas around the insulated coop. However, there wasn't any signs of injuries on the chickens. No poo droppings.

Do you have any suggestions?
Hi, been reading every thread i can on egg laying as i have 7 hens, 6 month old Sussex, that have just stopped laying. No sign of parasites or predators.
Have yours dtarted laying again?
Thats good news. I went down to mine and saw a squirrel in there and dart out a hole! Sorted the hole out and had 2 eggs yesterday

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