Egg eater!


7 Years
Sep 3, 2016
In the mountains of Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
So I have an egg eater, I feed 20% protein feed and have roll out nest boxes. The favorite box, will call it version 1 is not steep enough of an incline I think and the eggs are easy to retreive by the hens, I have seen them reach under and pull them back (Silly broody) So two days ago I could not check the boxes until late afternoon and I only got 3 eggs from the usual 7-10 daily. There were 2 shells and a third egg with a hole in it. I am guessing there were more that were consumed 100%. I THINK I know who the culprit is, a year old Rhode Island Red. So after collecting the 3 eggs I blocked off the nestbox forcing them to use the lower box, which I installed later (version 2) and its steeper and the eggs roll further away. When I was collecting eggs the second time Rhodie was in the box laying, when I came back later there was another shell!

So I am going to put a camera in the nest box and when I catch the culprit she will be culled.

She, whoever she is, will be my first cull. I do not eat meat so I will not be eating her. I do not see any value in giving her away or selling her, who needs that in a flock? So unless there is a way to break her of this habit I will be using the broomstick.

The only method I know is filling an egg with something yucky and letting her try to eat it. DON'T USE MUSTARD! Someone said to fill an egg with mustard, my egg eaters want CRAZY over it. :lau
For 13 dollars i bought 24 pinless peepers and the tool to put them on.
My Bad girl was a feather picker. She wkre the goggles for a month and when i took them off her she seeems to have forgotten all about the bad habbit.
Egg eating can be because of nutritional deficiencies or boredom, or one broken egg in the box tasted good and that is how it got started.
Try the goggles before you cull her. I believe it will work.
Also a dark nest box might help. They can not eat what they can not see.
I am separating the suspect tonight, I got the chicken jail ready with food and water. I lost at least 3 eggs today and have been losing eggs everyday. If no eggs eaten tomorrow I will still give a few days to be sure before I do anything.

As for food they have 20% protein layer pellets and oyster shells barely any treats. I do not think its a protein thing.

I have 12 birds in a 160SF coop with an attached 400SF run and they go into the run every day from 12 to dark. They are not crowded or bored.

I think I just have a bad chicken,


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