Easter Egger club!

EastinChickens: What color did Othello grow up to be. Beautiful chick!!!
I just love all the colors they come in. My boy had started breeding, and he's one of two Roo's in with the girls, so all out chicks this year will be EE crosses (or possibly some EE's if he 'gets' with any of my 7 EE girls) or Silver Pencilled Wyandotte crosses.
I find the fact that people look down on EEs hilarious! Of course I'm a mutt as well so maybe I take it a little personal.
I just bought some pure bred ameraucanas expressly for the opportunity to breed more EEs from them. I don't breed chickens to sell the chicks I just breed them for the pretty variety of egg colors. I have a huge variety of breeds from Marans and Welsummers to BOs and RIRs, plus my EEs and Ameraucanas.

Here are a couple of my EEs (I have 4 but the other 2 wouldn't pose for the camera. The gal on the left is Hilde and the gal on the right is Sweet Cheeks

I also have wheaton ameraucana pullets, black am cockerels and pullets and silver am cockerels and 1 pullet. I plan on keeping all the pullets and 1 silver roo and 1 black roo. Any ideas on what crosses might look really cool? I care about egg color more than the color of the chicken but that matters some as well. I was going to ask on the ameraucana thread but thought they might get upset to hear I planned an EE project.
Seriously most of them have EEs as well as Ams and they love both breeds but there are 1 or 2 that might get miffed at me for spoiling the pure breed. Even crossing the varieties of pure bred ams to each other would give me EEs since they would no longer be a recognized variety of ameraucana.
Here are some of my ams. I haven't named them yet since they are still young and hard to tell apart (9 weeks).

Silver ameraucana cockerel...

plus one of my wheaton pullets and one of my black pullets.

Any ideas on what crosses I might try?
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Congratulations!!! Well my favorite part (besides the pretty eggs and the beautiful beards and muffs) is how friendly my EEs are! They love to be petted and are my friendlest bird (except for my Delawares).
SunnyDawn - beautiful birds! I love the first one. I'm hoping my brown chick will look a bit like that one. Do you have any that lay a pinkish egg? I had to give away a roo that came from a pinkish egg, and I thought it would have been so cool to breed to a blue egg layer and try for purple eggs. I've seen a few on here that look basically purple.

If a hen lays a brown egg and nobody knows it's lineage, can it still be called an EE? Wouldn't it still be called just a mixed breed? What, exactly, does a chicken have to have to be considered an EE?

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