Easter Egger club!


Please accept my application to your EE Club!
I love mine.

My rooster is named Sydney. Pictured here with the rest of the BOs, BR, BAs...Skittles is on the far right.
The hens are Sabine, Skittles and Snapple (LittleHen).
I have six 5 week old EE chicks from them that my broody BO hatched for me. They are adorable. the 7th is an EE/BO cross.
I have 6 EE chicks from McMurray still in the brooder. 3 weeks old tomorrow.
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Just wanted to share a story with you guys-

I hatched Cookie out myself and I consider her my "rescue chick" She was born wih spraddle leg and a crossed beak, probably because she was two days early. She was so weak I had to keep her on a heating pad in a bird cage in my room until she was three weeks old. I thought at first that her two hatchmates might not accept her when I put them together in their little coop. Depite her being much smaller than the rest of them, they taught her how to scratch and forage in the grass. It was a great experience to watch, I learned a lot and it was just adorable to see the three of them huddle up and sleep together at night.
Great EE story. I'm worried about raising Jade alone, but if Opal turns out to be a hen, I am already one bird over my limit for the city. I'm debating getting one more chick to keep her company. All of us here understand chicken math, but I don't know if my nosy neighbor and the city inspectors use quite the same formulas that we do.......
Jade seems just fine on her own, and I give her lots of attention (I am home for the summer), but do you think she will be able a "normal" chicken and integrate into my current flock (three 16weeks old, one 14 week old, and one 9 weeks)?
This is what stopped her incesant peeping the first day alone:
Cookie turned out okay, but she was able to hear the other chicks peeping down stairs. I put about three morrors in her cage and a few TINY stuffed animals in there as well.

If you have any broody hens at the moment, you could try seeing if she will still accept her...
My other girls have not started laying yet, so no broodys. When she feathers out and gets a bit bigger I can put her in her own cage inside the coop with the big girls so she can watch them, especially since it is 90 degrees here. I may even take the whole cage out and set it near the coop when I am out there with her. Would that be a good idea for now? No need for heat lamps outside!! I just integrated a FBCM with the oldest three and they accepted her well, but she is almost their same size.

What is a morro?

She likes that little fuzzy knitted purse to snuggle on.
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Sorry, I ment to say Mirror- not morro

Anyway, I think she will be fine if you give her plenty of attention. Maybe you can carry her outside for short periods and let her see the other chicks through the wire?
Oh this is great! I love EE's. All the different colors and patterns and each is unique in their own way. I only have 3 right now with some smaller babies coming up. I'll try to post some of the pics.




I have another blue hen but no pic right now. I'll post it soon. Hope you like! Thanks for letting me show them off.

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