
Jun 3, 2019
Hi there,
I have two four week old khaki campbell ducklings, one of which legs seem to continuously shake. I originally thought she was just nervous around me but she is friendly in ever other way and will eat whilst shaking or snuggle on my lap and generally be relaxed, but she won't stop shaking. Both her and her sister were on starter crumb until a couple of days ago and are now on growers pellets. They always have fresh water and love treats like pet and mealworms. I use a mixture of wood shavings or chopped straw bedding depending on what I have and line the brooder with newspaper. She seems fine in her self, swimming and foraging as usual, but continues to shake, which her sister doesn't. Any one got any ideas as to why or how I can fix it?

Thanks so much!
Are you supplementing the crumble with some form of vitamin b? They grow so quickly they need extra for bone growth (or something along those lines). My area doesn't have bakers yeast or liquid but we supplement every third day with a small dose of nutritional vitamin b.
Are you supplementing the crumble with some form of vitamin b? They grow so quickly they need extra for bone growth (or something along those lines). My area doesn't have bakers yeast or liquid but we supplement every third day with a small dose of nutritional vitamin b.
I don't but that sounds like a good idea. I am UK based but do you know of any supplement I could purchase?
Bakers yeast has natural vitamin b complexes in it and can be mixed in food. There is also liquid that can be mixed in the water. I use nutritional viramin b capusles that are powder inside. You open the capsule and sprinkle the dust on food or in water. Only downside with nutritional vitamin b is is is super concentrated and should be given less often.
We use brewers or nutritional yeast, rather than the yeast we use for baking to add B vitamins. We sprinkle it over our ducklings' food daily. If you have a duckling showing possible symptoms of niacin deficiency, the more concentrated B complex vitamins may help it recover. Then you can add B complex vitamins through yeast or other sources instead if you prefer not to use the capsules or drops. Either way, B vitimins are very important to healthy duckling growth, despite that not every duckling will show overt symptoms of a deficiency.
Nutritional Yeast has more benefits than Brewers Yeast from what I was told when I had to treat one of my ducklings. I used the liquid B complex below. Just peel off the foil and use a dropper over some tasty treats so it gets the full dose. I also put in the water so they all got some. Now I just supplement their feed with NY and they are all healthy and thriving.
She may need some liquid B complex, they often have deficiencies that can affect their legs. @DuckyDonna and @Miss Lydia has a good pic of what to get. I don't know if this is the issue but it certainly cannot hurt.

Tractor supply in the cattle dept. $17.99 These are the same, just different labels. It is a miracle cure! 1 ml over something that they love to eat. I wouldn't dilute it.

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