Duckling drooping wing


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2020
Kent, Uk
I’m new to BYC, and new to ducks, though have had rescue chickens in the past.
I have 2 call ducklings, now 8 weeks.
At 4 weeks one of them developed angel wing in both wings, the blood feathers stuck straight up and the wing wouldn’t fold under itself. I wrapped them for 4 days which corrected the wing fold.
As of this week (week 8), the right wing started dropping to the ground. The duck is constantly twitching it up onto its back, only for it to slip down immediately.
My feeling is that I should give it a week or so to see if the muscles in that wing strengthen so it can hold it up itself, and if not then to try to wrap again, but would be great to get some advice.
Some background info : I hatched both these calls, they were fed non medicated 19% protein chick crumb for the first 3 weeks, and since then have had duck finisher pellets 15% protein with brewers yeast and rolled oats.
They free range in the garden and at night are locked away in a coop with a fox proof run attached which they have access to at all times.
I’m in the UK, it’s been very warm and I know they can drop their wings when it’s hot, but the other duck is not doing this also this duck is only dropping one wing, so it’s not just heat related.
Apart from this all else is fine, eating, pooing, walking, swimming etc.
I’ll try and post a picture, and thanks for any advice.


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Might give it some time. when flight feathers are growing in those wings are full of blood and get heavy they need to build strength up to hold them in the right place, that's why they correct they droop then they correct again. Eventually they are strong enough to hold in place. Hopefully that's all that's going on here. Sure is a cutie. :love
Might give it some time. when flight feathers are growing in those wings are full of blood and get heavy they need to build strength up to hold them in the right place, that's why they correct they droop then they correct again. Eventually they are strong enough to hold in place. Hopefully that's all that's going on here. Sure is a cutie. :love
Thanks so much for replying! That’s my feeling too, so I’ll keep an eye on it and won’t rewrap yet. I didn’t want too unless I had too in case it interrupts the muscle developing by itself. Yes very cute, I love watching them together!
Thanks for your excellent advice. I didn’t rewrap and now it’s fine. The wings did droop again a few days ago, but have once again righted themselves. So I guess it just keeps happening as the feathers grow.
So pleased and relieved it’s going to be fine!


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I have a runner that's three weeks old tomorrow who's wings have just started to droop to the ground when she's laying down. Her legs started to seem weak within the first week of age. So I've been adding brewers yeast to their 20% protein crumble since I noticed her legs (which I used with all other ducklings I've had within the year and had no issues with it. My Welsh Harlequin which I got same time is fine.
I’d start her on liquid BComplex 1ml a day TSC carries it Durvet is usually the brand it will say injectable but we use it orally. Once they start showing a niacin deficiency this is the best to get them over it. If her flight feathers are starting to grow in they can cause the wings to droop.
Here is info on niacin deficiency
I’d start her on liquid BComplex 1ml a day TSC carries it Durvet is usually the brand it will say injectable but we use it orally. Once they start showing a niacin deficiency this is the best to get them over it. If her flight feathers are starting to grow in they can cause the wings to droop.
Here is info on niacin deficiency
This is what I started giving her within her first week with us. Eggs Fresh Daily Brewers yeast with added nutrients like vitamin B. I also have been giving her niacin rich veggies and eggs as well


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It doesn’t always help if one is going to be prone we see it often. The liquid BComplex is the best. It can be one or many that will come down with a niacin deficiency, for some reason they just don’t utilize the niacin like other ducklings do. But the BComplex really is the best just put 1 ml over a small amount of treat so you know she is getting full dose..

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