angel wing

  1. FlockFinderWest

    Question about slipped primaries?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, it’s not really an emergency or illness so I wasn’t sure where else to ask. I have a pullet and cockerel that both have slipped primaries. They’ve been like that since they started getting their adult feathers, they always stick out and don’t go...
  2. KathiQuacks

    Only 1 duckling with angel wing?

    I’m a bit mad at myself for not noticing sooner, but one of my ducklings (6.5 weeks) appears to have angel wing in his left wing. I’m going to start treatment and get him wrapped up soon, but I’m wondering why he’s the only one who has it? The wings of his other 9 siblings all look lovely and...
  3. dublinducks

    Is Angel Wing Painful for Ducks?

    I have read that angel wing is a purely cosmetic issue for ducks, and that other than rendering them unable to fly it causes no health risk. Other sources imply that the worse the case is the more likely it is to be painful for the duck. Is there any evidence to support either of those claims?
  4. R

    Vet wants me to reduce protein below 14% for angel wing

    I took my Ancona duck to an avian vet for angel wing. To my surprise, instead of wrapping the wing, he suggested cutting protein by some unspecified amount, and told me to get another appointment if it gets worse. I told him I am already using a 14% protein, feed(Mazuri waterfowl maintenance)...
  5. Brink

    Feeding Advice for Mixed Flock, Flogging Rooster, Angel Wing Goose.

    Hello, I have a mixed flock of chickens, geese, ducks, and one rooster. I am still very new to owning backyard birds. Most of my birds are around 2 months old with a couple of them younger (ducks and a few chicks) except my rooster. He is older and was given to us by friends of our neighbor...
  6. R

    Can Ducks Swim With Wrapped Wings?

    I have a six week old duckling that has angel wing. I've been treating her by wrapping her wings close to her body with vetrap and a chicken harness. I have heard this can put her at a risk of drowning, so I changed my block's run so that it only has water shallow enough for them to stand in...
  7. R

    Duck with Possible Angel Wing

    I posted on the duck forum first, but was advised to post here. I have an exactly six week old ancona duckling that I think may have angel wing. I got three others at the same time, and fed them the same, and they do not appear to have the same issue. Is this angel wing? Should I try and treat...
  8. Poultry Whisperer

    Is this the beginning of angel wing?

    Hi all. I have a 5 week old Blue Swedish who has some wing feathers that appear to be sprawling outward. Is this angel wing? I haven't had a duck with angel wing before so I'm not really sure if it is angel wing or just abnormal feather growth. Whatever it is, it seems to be more noticeable in...
  9. F

    Wild 8-week-old Muscovy with Angel Wing

    I live in an HOA gated community in NE Florida. I have coffee every morning on my patio with a view of a large pond. Eight weeks ago, I noticed a Muscovy duck I had occasionally seen on the pond swimming with 5 ducklings. Within 3 weeks, 4 of the ducklings were eaten by a male Great Blue Heron...
  10. J

    Angel Wing questions for an 11 week old goose…

    Hi, all! Our Ducks and Goose developed Angel wing. We changed their diet and the Ducks Angel wing corrected itself. Our Goose is a bit younger than the Ducks, and unfortunately, the diet change alone was insufficient to fix the issue. We watched multiple videos on YouTube about how to fix...
  11. TwoChicksChix

    Gosling with head injury?

    Hi everyone, I have an African gosling almost 9 weeks old. In the past two days she has developed a weird, squishy bump on the top of her head. (I only felt it to determine it’s texture, after that it hasn’t been squished) She also has developed angel wing on one side. I have her in with...
  12. Hball

    Suspected stage 1 Angel Wing

    Now my saxony and black Swedish are presenting with what I suspect would be stage 1 angel wing but I’m not for certain. I started them on nature serve starter/grower feed until 4 weeks old and then switched to purina duck pellets 19% protein and add 1Tab of josh frogs brewers yeast per cup of...
  13. EmilyD123

    Duck getting bullied after wrapping for angel wing

    I have an 8 week old duckling who has developed angel wing, I wrapped her with vet wrap to hold it in place but the other ducks are charging at her and won’t let her near them ( all females ) has anybody had this issue before? Would really like to take care of the angel wing without her getting...
  14. M

    Is this angel wing?

    Hi we are new duck owners and I am just wanting to make sure if this is angel wing and that I need to wrap it. Thank you for the help!
  15. Bochama

    Duck not quacking

    Hello everyone. I have 3 beautiful ducks who I got when they were around a week old. A pekin,rouen and black swedish. My pekin and black swedish are one or two days older and started to quack but my rouen still hasn't started to quack. She also has one wing drooping down which I think is called...
  16. H

    Muscovy duck potential "angel wing"

    My name is Hayder. I do not own any birds now but we used to own chicken, ducks and pigeons when I was a boy/teen. Although it feels like a long time ago but they certainly left their impression and i always loved birds. I wanted to join this online community to get better education about...
  17. Lizzy733

    Slipped wing in 2 week old chick

    Hey guys, One of my Orpington chicks has a slipped wing. The primaries are overlapping the secondaries at rest on one of her wings. I've tried manually resetting it when I can, but they're so rambunctious at this age that it typically doesn't stay that way for long. I'm thinking it's a...
  18. 0

    Angel wing?

    First time duck owner and a couple of my ducks developed a wing/wings that stick out. First we thought it was just the weight of all the incoming feathers. Thought it couldn't be angel wing as when they would spread their wings out (flapping them) wing looked normal. Diet info: Fed duckling...
  19. DuckNana207

    Duckling with start of angel wing

    We have one (maybe 2) ducklings that have slight angel wing. They just started tipping out. We are currently feeding 18% feed with oatmeal mixed (to reduce the protein level) and brewers yeast. We have 6 ducklings, 5 weeks old. The 2 who have AW are both blue swedish. Wondering if anyone has had...
  20. N

    Feather abnormality - should I intervene?

    Hi All. Thanks in advance for any advice or help. There’s a long and happy backstory to the little guy in the photos but the gist is he was on deaths door, I was able to get him healthy and return him to his exact mother and he’s living a wonderful life as a wild duck. But, I don’t have any...
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