Duckling Diarrhea

20-22% protein is fine to start. Yeah, I'm a new duck mine at the end of April and I've never seen any poo like that. That last one seems like a lot of stuff for one BM. I agree with Amiga.
I just contacted my vet for them. She said just keep an eye on it for a few more days because he could be eating different things in the yard then Si. Also to make sure he is gaining weight. If it is still happening in a few days to bring him in for an appointment. Thanks for all your help. I think I may keep them inside for a whole day to see if it has anything to do with them going outside and foraging
I was shocked when my Runners had black stool one morning - then I remembered, oh, yes, they had found one of the potted plants last night and were eating the potting soil.

Thanks for the photo's - so sweet!
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Thank you for all the help. It must of been a green he ate outside because now his stool colors are back to normal.
He just did this while I was typing that other post. It is extremely smelly I can smell it from the other room. I thought I had poop on my hands, but I was wrong
It does look like it might be cecal poop, but if it happens more that every 7 poop, I don't think it's normal for it to look like that. Probably best to take a fresh sample that looks like that to a vet and have it checked for parasites, coccidia, bacteria and yeast. Also might be a good idea to get a baseline weight on everyone.


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