Duck with no webbing on feet???

Most places have laws against taking in wild animals. Best you can do is contact a wildlife rescue and let them know about her in the hopes they can take her in and place her in a sanctuary.
Believe me... we don't have sanctuaries here thay i know of. There's a suggestion in the law relating this exactly, but nobody really enforces it in these parts. In most cases it's very infuriating because a few people do the wrong thing by taking a wild animal without consulting the vet first or doing proper research. 😕
If she is wild she will be happier in the wild than taken in. She looks in good shape, and lacking webs on her feet will not prevent her flying away from predators.
From what i understand she's "wild" as in, she lives at a pond where people feed her, which is why I considered it tbh. But you're absolutely right, if she's safe out there she should be just fine staying there.
I actually have a female mallard in my flock which a friend found injured as a chick. Sweetest girl in the flock 🥰
It's amazing what cruelty some people will do to an animal. I would hope not too but it just doesn't seem right to me.
Some people are cruel
We have a health and fitness center that has a little lake outside, nearby. In recent years, a bunch of teenagers shot all the ducks and left them in a pile.
The community was utterly fuming. The act itself was against the law, but no one respects the law, or wildlife anymore. The worst part is the kids were never caught

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