Duck with a swollen leg

I examined his leg again very thoroughly, and I couldn't find any cuts or anything. I did notice the skin on his leg is kind of flaking or peeling, as if it's dry or something. Is this normal?

And is it just me or does his leg look slightly less swollen in that pic? I really really really hope it's going down.:fl
from everything I have read on leg injuries they take a long time to heal, and Pekins are notorious for leg problems anyway, they are so heavy, my Muscovy drake jumped off the ramp coming out of his pool and hurt his leg he was kept on rest for about a week before I saw any change in his limping then it was probably a month before he wasn't limping at all. If your drakes leg is hot to the touch it sounds like some infection maybe in there. Might want to think about an oral antibiotic. I have a chart from Twin City poultry that list meds and what they are used for but it's specific like blood borne infections is Penicillin but if no cuts or scrapes then it may not be, the med to use and then there is meds for bacterial infections  Not knowing what your dealing with really hinders the right treatment. and then the ole stand by which most feed stores carry is Oxytetracycline .Wish I knew. Keep on soaking anyway and keeping him from moving around alot but give him water therapy to keep his muscles working. We'll keep researching too. 
We do have some injectable penicillin from when Meatball was being treated for bumblefoot last year. But if there are no cuts or wounds is it unlikely to be an infection?:idunno

And would it be wise to let him swim in the pond for water therapy? When I tried it several days ago, he stayed on the water most of the time, but I'd hate for him to reinjure himself or do further damage by walking around. But he did seem so happy hanging out with his friends and just being a duck.
We do have some injectable penicillin from when Meatball was being treated for bumblefoot last year. But if there are no cuts or wounds is it unlikely to be an infection?

And would it be wise to let him swim in the pond for water therapy? When I tried it several days ago, he stayed on the water most of the time, but I'd hate for him to reinjure himself or do further damage by walking around. But he did seem so happy hanging out with his friends and just being a duck.
Can you give a substitute for time being like small kiddy pool so you can monitor his activities better? and make sure he can get in an out without problems
We do have an inflatable pool we could set up, although since he is having trouble walking I bet he would have much harder time getting out of the pool. Our pond's shore is generally pretty shallow and gradual. Another thing is, I want to make sure he's still eating normally, and this might give him a chance to forage for bugs/plants in the pond. I guess I just feel sorry for him being alone and cooped up all day :(
We do have an inflatable pool we could set up, although since he is having trouble walking I bet he would have much harder time getting out of the pool. Our pond's shore is generally pretty shallow and gradual. Another thing is, I want to make sure he's still eating normally, and this might give him a chance to forage for bugs/plants in the pond. I guess I just feel sorry for him being alone and cooped up all day
I know but you don't want him over exerting walking to the pond either. but you know best for him since your right there.
I had to go out of town for the weekend, but thankfully my brother was kind enough to duck-sit and continue with Meatball's treatment (it seems like ducks always pick the worst times to hurt themselves!) I made the decision to go ahead and let him swim in the pond since I felt it was the best thing for him, all things considered. He would sit down and rest on the shore when he wasn't swimming, so he didn't use his foot a whole lot.

I just got back tonight and checked his leg, which still looks pretty swollen. It seems to be slightly yellowish in a few spots. Is that normal with bruising/swelling? We've been doing Epsom salt compresses 2-3 times a day, but haven't given any antibiotics yet.
I had to go out of town for the weekend, but thankfully my brother was kind enough to duck-sit and continue with Meatball's treatment (it seems like ducks always pick the worst times to hurt themselves!) I made the decision to go ahead and let him swim in the pond since I felt it was the best thing for him, all things considered. He would sit down and rest on the shore when he wasn't swimming, so he didn't use his foot a whole lot.

I just got back tonight and checked his leg, which still looks pretty swollen. It seems to be slightly yellowish in a few spots. Is that normal with bruising/swelling? We've been doing Epsom salt compresses 2-3 times a day, but haven't given any antibiotics yet.
That does not look good, i really think an antibiotic might be in order. before it goes systemic.

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