Duck nappies

donna chambers

6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Hi all,

New to the site as I have recently acquired two ducklings. They are growing very quickly and are very loving. One lays on its back to have its belly rubbed to fall asleep.

I want to keep the ducks inside and was wondering if anyone knew where I could get dick nappies in the uk.

Thanks in advance for any info

Greetings, donna chambers, and
! Pleased you joined us! Enjoy your ducks and best wishes!!
ducks are really messy poopers - maybe you could have them outside for most of the day, and then some type of diaper in the house. I know there are several BYCERS who make diapers and hen aprons for chickens and also ducks . The advertise in "everything else for sale," forums. I remember reading of someone in UK that had diapers for their birds but, I don't recall if she made them herself.

You could go to "where am I where are you," forum and look for threads from UK and post your question there.

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