dogs and flies


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
Villa Grove
I know lots of have dogs here but, how many have problems with flies biting their ears? What do you place on them. I have never had problems with flies till this year and 2 of my 4 dogs look like an all you can fly buffet.
I had a dog some 15 years ago that the flies would tear up every summer. I'd clean the blood from his ears with a washcloth and peroxide and then put vaseline on his ears. It had to be applied often. It happened every summer and I never figured out how to stop it. The military sent me overseas for a few years and I gave the dog to some relatives that lived in another state. I don't think they had much of a problem with it.
Used to have those problems all the time with my "outside" dogs. Go to the feed store and get the stuff they use for horses to keep the flys off. I used a spray on my one dog. The other stuff I used was a cream that killed the flys on contact. Stuff worked and didn't bother the dogs.

My dad also used old motor oil or pinetar. Flys couldn't bite thru it.
I spray ours daily with a mixture of DE, lemongrass oil, lavender oil, and thyme oil. They smell good and it keeps all insects away. ~ Oaknim

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