Dog Training- I need a little help!


8 Years
Aug 22, 2011
Coshocton, Ohio- 3 Years Ckns
Our little 4 acre farm teems with life right now. 114 Freedom Rangers staying until May 9th, 100 Freedom ranger chicks due in tomorrow, 5 Beagles, 3 new Beagle pups, a Mixed breed pup, looks like she might have some coon dog in her, 4 large dogs, 11 cats (some pregnant), 3 goats, 50 layers, etc...

My problem is, yesterday was my day off. I spent the day building dog kennels for my beagles as a few are running themselves to death.

As I was working, I noticed chickens in odd places and postures 3 different times. All 3 times, my mixed breed coon dog pup "Rascal" was around. After watching her, I found her kidnapping chickens. She had a meat chicken in the Garden, a Layer in the front yard and another meat chicken in the yard elsewhere. On 2 of the chickens there was no damage, but on one of the meaties, there was a slightly bloody shoulder where the baby teeth had broken through the skin.

When I found her with the first one, I picked the chick up and put it back where it belonged. When she had the layer (free range), I took my belt off and beat her (3 times and a VERY loud voice). The third time, I took her to the pen with shock collar.

This morning, still with shock collar on, I took her to the hen house and she didn't do anything other than try to climb in a nest box (no hen) to inspect.

I usually let her run free, hoping to develop her into my night time predator control. I don't want to turn HER into a predator.

Anyone know of any particular steps I can take to lead her in the right direction.She is about 3-4 months old.


Thats a Lot of temptation for dogs and it will take a lot of working with them to teach them to get along and not harm the chickens . I Dont use a belt or think ya really need to I have given a light cuff but my voice usually is enough .. as the dogs want to please me ..
My girlfriend just yelled at me for putting the belt thing out there. I don't consider it abuse, just need them to know immediately that there are definite no no's out there. She now has the collar on which should help.
you dont use a belt on a dog your gf is right i think you should just listen to what she does you dont sound like you know what you are doing. 3 times? disgusting. Take the shock collar off you arent even using it right.

You do not beat "puppyies" you are going to end up ruining you dog.
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You have a hunting dog and it's in her nature to hunt things that move. You can't beat it out of her. As she gets older, she'll just get sneakier.

Dogs need exercise. How much exercise does your dog get every day? I run my dogs (goldens) every day for about 45 minutes in the woods and they fulfill the hunting part of their breed chasing critters in the woods. So they don't chase chickens. But they have to chase is their nature.

I also don't let my dogs even go into the coop. I taught them that the chickens own that space. Owning space makes the chickens more powerful in a pack animals eyes. The chickens become less like prey and more like members of the pack.
Interesting. Thank you for that.

In the last couple of days, she has gotten in with the meat chickens, but just sits and watches them. I think she was just playing with them. As far as exercise, she and my beagles run loose. I have 4 acres but have literally thousands of State owned acreage behind me (Woodbury Wildlife Area). She gets plenty I imagine.

Curiosity makes me ask, specifically how do you train your dogs that a specific area belongs to a different entity?

Thanks in advance,

When you feed a dog, the bowl belongs to a way. They have that small amount of space that they protect from other pack members.(Except for me of course, I can touch the bowl!!) But from other dogs they can protect the bowl.

I taught my dog the command "OUT"...which means leave the room. Then I brought my dog in the coop, fed the chickens their scratch in their coop so they all ran in and I told my dog "OUT" and she left. So the building is like the chicken's food bowl...they eat there and my dog has to give them that space. I do the same thing when we eat at the dining room table. The dogs are told "OUT"...the table is our space when we eat. Food is big with dogs....I use whenever I can! The one who controls the food...controls the pack!
dogs don't really exercise themselves. Also, they need MENTAL stimulation. Leaving your dogs (the beagles and the pup) loose to roam is going to earn you a dead dog.
dogs don't really exercise themselves. Also, they need MENTAL stimulation. Leaving your dogs (the beagles and the pup) loose to roam is going to earn you a dead dog.

What are they doing when they run around the yard, or chase rabbits over 5000 acres? That's not mental stimulation or physical exercise? The reason I am building kennels is because one of the beagles is running more than she can eat and losing too much weight. I suppose you think I should kennel them and then exercise them on a lead every day while giving them math quizzes?
My dogs are well cared for. We have too many of them, but saved a bunch of them from the pound.
you dont use a belt on a dog your gf is right i think you should just listen to what she does you dont sound like you know what you are doing. 3 times? disgusting. Take the shock collar off you arent even using it right.

You do not beat "puppyies" you are going to end up ruining you dog.

Instead of reprimanding me, perhaps you should try to educate me in the "proper" use of a shock collar. I believe I do know what I am doing. Just because you think it is disgusting doesn't make you an expert. My dog still loves me and comes to me AND.... she hasn't bothered a chicken again yet.

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