Does your music taste change depending on mood?


9 Years
Oct 9, 2010
Just an idle question. For example, now I'm listening to "Best thing I never had" By Beyonce-

There was a time
I thought, that you did everything right
No lies, no wrong
Boy I, must've been outta my mind
So when I think of the time that I almost loved you
You showed your <...> and I, I saw the real you

Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out

I wanted you back
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had...

.... for obvious reasons...
Music seriously alters my mood. . . And my mood seriously alters my taste in music.

However my taste these days doesn't move around as much as it used to. I used to be open to nearly everything (except country and christian) but now I find myself listening more and more to Soundtrack/Scores (instrumental) and music created by private companies who only dish out to movie trailers. You know - instrumentals, chorus, orchestras, that kind of stuff.

If I've gone beyond truck-rocking heavy metal and start humming "The whole world in his hands", look out. I invented personal lyrics some time ago to "so-and-so can kiss my a..." with embellishments that won't fit here.

The other extreme is big band jazz, other nice calm instrumentals...
Absolutely. It's the most natural thing.
I tend to cry at songs I usually wouldn't give a toss about when I'm in a weepy mood.
aw pidge!
what happened?

sorry I have not been
that present lately...

music... meh,
I listen to all sorts
my favorites are still my favorites
even in times of distress
I have found that when I don't feel very upbeat putting on music that is really helps. Especially if it has a jumpy beat. I listen to almost all kinds of music. Drive my family nuts. I have found that Lou Bega-A Little Bit of Mambo helps when I have to mop floors or dust. They are the two indoor chores I hate doing. I have a CLassical Thunder cd that is great for when I am quilting and a Enya cd for when I just want to mellow out. Music has an impact on how plants grow and on animals so you know its gotta have some effect on us.
Hope everyone has a good day with some upbeat music to listen to.
Yep it definitely does! I also listen to different kinds of music while doing different things. Driving requires more upbeat songs. Drawing or doing school work requires soundtrack music or slower easy going songs. Of course horse back riding always requires country music!

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