Does shooting the fox fix the problem?

Relocation is both illegal and actually MORE cruel than dispatching in most cases.

I suggest an E fence... I can't shoot and remove every predator, there will be more.

ETA: sorry for your loss. :(

Thank you for your condolences.

I just never knew how bold a fox could actually be. I just recently moved last year to the area, went from living on a busy street near the city, to living in the country having no neighbors or anything. I love it, but I guess this is just one of the things that I have to get used to and be better prepared for...

@Howard E In regards to the electric fence I do not have one, however now I'm thinking about it now. At this point its just the chicken coop near the rear of our yard, with an attached run that's probably 18'x32'. I also have a dog, but he is a French bulldog so he doesn't do really well in the "protection" department.

In regards to shooting being legal, where we are it is so that's not an issue.

Would you recommend an e fence if we have a dog? Would we just place it around our yard?
I'm sorry for your losses. It is always hard, and I understand the desire to get revenge, but, foxes pair up and breed this time of year. Killing one will not protect your chickens, as the mate will still be around. Like HowardE said, there are likely to be babies too. An electric fence will not only stop the foxes, but other predators as well. Even if you got rid of both foxes this year, more will come. You will still have the electric fence next year. There will always be hawks too. IMO, if you want free range chickens, you have to assume there will be some risks to them. If you want them safe 100% of the time, keep them enclosed in a safe run.
Keeping in mind that I'm not normally the type to want to kill anything. After the first incident, I really wanted to do whatever I had to do humainely. However, now having it happen again the way that it did, I feel a very strong urge to get rid of it for good. I know that it wont stop the problem and there will be more foxes, but that one specifically I feel needs to go. He has proven himself to be way to "ballsy" and I have other animals too (rabbits, a small dog, a couple cats) and I feel like he now knows that my house is where the buffet is.

I am torn about the idea of the fox having a litter, and I'm sure that its very likely considering how determined it was to get away with as many chickens as it could. I know its nature and its the way of life for an animal to hunt and kill, but I feel like I may need to make the choice that its us (my family, my animals, my property) over the fox.

So, if you were in my shoes, would you shoot?
Stop free ranging. End of story. I lost 4 chickens in a month before I said enough. Seal them in a fence with a net on top, there you go. No fox attack for me in months.

Sorry for your loss! I can definitely relate and understand how frustrating it is. They do have a very nice run that I put a lot of money and sweat into making for them. Welded wire around the entire thing, top to bottom with wire on the ground as well to prevent diggers. It just sucks because they do LOVE being out. However, I think I have to make the choice for them to keep them in for their own safety. I'm sure if they knew that them coming out makes for a possible meal for the foxes, they would stay in too.
You can shoot that one to remove the immediate threat and buy some time, but there will be replacement killers show up to take it's place.

Then there is the other issue.....this time of year that could be a momma fox feeding her kits. If that proved to be the case, are you OK knowing you killed them too?

So as it stands now, what boundary does the fox have to keep it away from the birds? The run if they are inside.......nothing if outside?

That is where the electric fence comes in. It creates a boundary the fox does not want to cross. It administers a violent painful shock that stops just short of killing it......probably the most traumatic thing any animal is ever going to experience short of being killed. Not something they care to repeat. They don't fear you so don't respect you. They do fear and respect a hot electric fence.
How does the fence not kill your chickens???? I am considering electric poultry fencing but i dont want my chickens zapped!
Keeping in mind that I'm not normally the type to want to kill anything. After the first incident, I really wanted to do whatever I had to do humainely. However, now having it happen again the way that it did, I feel a very strong urge to get rid of it for good. I know that it wont stop the problem and there will be more foxes, but that one specifically I feel needs to go. He has proven himself to be way to "ballsy" and I have other animals too (rabbits, a small dog, a couple cats) and I feel like he now knows that my house is where the buffet is.

I am torn about the idea of the fox having a litter, and I'm sure that its very likely considering how determined it was to get away with as many chickens as it could. I know its nature and its the way of life for an animal to hunt and kill, but I feel like I may need to make the choice that its us (my family, my animals, my property) over the fox.

So, if you were in my shoes, would you shoot?
Me, no.. I wouldn't shoot. Why? Because I don't have the guts lol. Too soft.
Just remember, Those babies will grow into big hungry foxes that will want to eat your chicken's too. Or maybe they'll move on once the food source isn't there anymore... unlikely though.
Keeping in mind that I'm not normally the type to want to kill anything. After the first incident, I really wanted to do whatever I had to do humainely. However, now having it happen again the way that it did, I feel a very strong urge to get rid of it for good. I know that it wont stop the problem and there will be more foxes, but that one specifically I feel needs to go. He has proven himself to be way to "ballsy" and I have other animals too (rabbits, a small dog, a couple cats) and I feel like he now knows that my house is where the buffet is.

I am torn about the idea of the fox having a litter, and I'm sure that its very likely considering how determined it was to get away with as many chickens as it could. I know its nature and its the way of life for an animal to hunt and kill, but I feel like I may need to make the choice that its us (my family, my animals, my property) over the fox.

So, if you were in my shoes, would you shoot?
Yes i would..... I feel the same way... I love animals in general...but after a fox attack in broad daylight, i found myself getting a hunting license and making a decision to defend my animals.
If you live where you can use a firearm without the police being called on you I say SSS.

That's what I was thinking too.

And for anyone who hasn't heard it before, SSS stands for Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up. (As in, shoot the predator, bury it, and then just don't broadcast that you did it.)

It's not an immediate solution, but a livestock guardian dog helps a lot too. And electric mesh fences that you can move are pricey but awesome.

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