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  • Hi 34Fam, I don't want to add an unrelated post to the already super-long (are you regretting that LOL??) to your question about the rooster. I've looked at your photos and while I complimented you in my 2 cents answer, I really do love your coop and wonder if you'd be willing to take some additional photos for me? I'm at the end stage of a coop addition and looking for ideas for this and that.
    Absolutely! I am laughing so hard at all the sqabbling on this post! Haha. The very bigest best thing i have done in my coop is a poop tray with PDZ. It is a must! And the post i learned that on is like 200 or more pages! My coop never smells At all. Even in the blistering heat you can stand in there and chat and never smell poo!
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