Does my chicken have diarrhoea? Or is there something else wrong? HELP

Lars Peter

In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2024
Hi, im new here, and I'm also new to keeping chickens.

I saved 2 chickens (French Marans, 4-5ish years old), from being butchered. 1 of them still lays eggs.
I have now had them for almost a season, but yesteday one of them came out very slowly in the morning,
and she had a poop on her head above her eye. I washed it off, and sat in the garden with her.
She was very slow, didnt want to eat, and just kept drinking and drinking. She also had her eyes closed a lot.
Her crop felt like a water balloon.

I took her inside and gave her a warm bath for 15 minutes, dried her off, and offered her food and drink (she only drank).

I kept her inside the house during the night, and this morning i let her out and she seems a bit more vigilant and uppy. She scraped, and pecked on some leaves, and now i just saw her poop twice (1 hour between). It looks weird and I was hoping that one of you with experience can help me diagnose the chickn. Any help/input is very much appreciated <3
Welcome to BYC. It looks like she may have passed some egg yolk and albumen in the first dropping, but I would suspect she may have salpingitis or reproductive infection. They can become lethargic, slow, and the crop can slow down. Unfortunately some hens over 3 can suffer from reproductive disorders, cancer, water belly, and all of those may increase pressure in the abdomen leading to crop problems. You can try antibiotics, but those are harder to obtain now, and they may or may not help. I would make sure that she is eating and drinking, and check her crop first thing in the am before she eats to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. It make take weeks or months, but if she begins to suffer you might consider putting her down.

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