Do Peas need to eat feed?


Mar 12, 2020
My Peas do not eat hardly any feed at all. I give them feed every day but they are just not into it. I do feed them very well - greens, fruits, veggies, seeds & nuts, bird treats, dried worm/beetle mix, live super worms and shrimp - all daily.
My question is… there anything in the feed that they may be missing out on by not eating it? Something I may need to find a supplement for? They seem pretty healthy and happy as is, but I have been wondering about it. I mean there is no “feed” in the wild right?
My Peas do not eat hardly any feed at all. I give them feed every day but they are just not into it. I do feed them very well - greens, fruits, veggies, seeds & nuts, bird treats, dried worm/beetle mix, live super worms and shrimp - all daily.
My question is… there anything in the feed that they may be missing out on by not eating it? Something I may need to find a supplement for? They seem pretty healthy and happy as is, but I have been wondering about it. I mean there is no “feed” in the wild right?
You feed all these mentions things in place of a crumble or pelleted feed or in addition to?
My Peas do not eat hardly any feed at all. I give them feed every day but they are just not into it. I do feed them very well - greens, fruits, veggies, seeds & nuts, bird treats, dried worm/beetle mix, live super worms and shrimp - all daily.
My question is… there anything in the feed that they may be missing out on by not eating it? Something I may need to find a supplement for? They seem pretty healthy and happy as is, but I have been wondering about it. I mean there is no “feed” in the wild right?
My Peafowl hardly eat any feed either. They must not need much. I only give my birds extras (scratch, mealworms, cereal, peanuts OR veggies) maybe once or twice a week.
My Turkeys eat a ton. I have 6 hens and they empty their feeder 3-4 times before 11 Peafowl do.
Kids are not apt to eat meat and potatoes if they get to eat dessert first. I do not know if your birds are free ranged or penned but our penned birds only get gamebird pellets and the grass and bugs on the pen floor unless we have a lot of extra fruit on our trees, vegetables from our garden, and pumpkins after Halloween. Our free rangers get the pellets and scratch we put out for all the other birds. There is a lot of food choices for our free-ranging birds as we also have a small pond and a spring fed creek with other choices in and around them.

Consider this; feeds are formulated to provide everything needed for the species they are made for. Anything you add to the feed either adds or subtracts to that formulae.

If you add low-protein foods that will detract from the protein level of the feed. If you add cat food, that will add to the trace minerals and vitamins which also throws the recipe off. IMO adding fruits and vegetables is great but hold off on adding other species' feeds.

If a bird is not eating what you provide they don't need it.

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