Do I have to use a wood floor for my duck house?

We live in South Louisiana in a neighborhood, our only concerns are opossum and and cats which haven’t bothered them (yet :fl). The three cinder blocks are fairly heavy for even me to move, and the pond is on one side, the fence on the back has cement that goes down almost a foot. The front and right side would be where a predator would dig but no attempts so far, cats aren’t big diggers and I don’t believe possum are either.
I guarantee you there are raccoons and coyotes in your neighborhood. Just because you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they aren't there. You've been very lucky so far.
Coyotes. Ugh. I used to live in Southern California and wouldn't often hear about the missing small dogs and cats, due to coyote mayhem. I'd see them walking neighborhood streets in broad daylight too. I don't know how they dodge the cars, but somehow they've figured it out. Beautiful animals, but very bad for folks who keep pets outside.
I guarantee you there are raccoons and coyotes in your neighborhood. Just because you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they aren't there. You've been very lucky so far.

Seems there haven’t been coyote reports since 2011 to animal control, which is very good in my city(not New Orleans). There’s a country club with a big golf course that critter seem to retreat at, but my grandmother who has been in this neighborhood for 40 years has never seen a coyote anywhere near us. I know they’re pretty elusive but there are only houses for miles before you get to a place they can live. Also extensive renovations and new buildings are underway right now- which I know can push wildlife out- but I am confident a coyote cannot get into the duck yard. Raccoons however, probably could wander in, but again with the wildlife control and the abundance of opossum, I don’t find them a big nuisance here. I do plan to reinforce the door eventually too, but it is not a priority.

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