Do cross beaks show up later?

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
14 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
I bought three chicks for a broody hen. I picked the ones I wanted out of a bin, and I am sure that I looked closely at them. They are several weeks old now, close to 6 weeks. Today, I see what I think is a stick out of the side of her mouth, but now I think is a cross beak. I didn't catch her, she was chasing grasshoppers. But the lower beak is considerably off to the side.

I just never thought it would change the much.

Mrs K
That has to be it. But I hate a cross beak, and generally look carefully at alignment. Dang it, I suppose I will eventually have to put her down. Sometimes chickens are hard.
I bought three chicks for a broody hen. I picked the ones I wanted out of a bin, and I am sure that I looked closely at them. They are several weeks old now, close to 6 weeks. Today, I see what I think is a stick out of the side of her mouth, but now I think is a cross beak. I didn't catch her, she was chasing grasshoppers. But the lower beak is considerably off to the side.

I just never thought it would change the much.

Mrs K
I've had it happen.. perfectly normal looking at hatch.. several cross beaks (2 or 3 out of a dozen).. by 6 ish weeks old very noticeable the first time I took them out in the sunlight. Cross beak.. often gets worse with age.

The worst part.. hatched from non cross beaked parents.. so someone was hiding it.. or something.. I wasn't comfortable selling chicks after having that happen, initially choosing disclosure but eventually no longer working with that line/breed/variety.

Sometimes chickens are hard.
Agreed. :hugs
It can show up later on. I have a hen I suspect throws it (3 out of 6 that made it). When looking at her from the side, her beak lines up perfectly on the edges, but doesn't close in the middle on the sides.

Are they EEs? Those seem disproportionately affected with cross beak

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