Chicks Beak was crusted over!


8 Years
Apr 18, 2016
Deer Park WA
I have a 2wk old chick, that got its beak crusted over with feed. We got Non GMO feed from a local mill, but the starter grower seemed almoat like a dust, and seems like with drinking maybe the dust formed like a crust. I didn't notice it until hours later. When I removed the dried crusty part, the beak is now offset a little, like Crossbeak. I never notice her like this before, could I have missed it if it was very slight and this made it worse. Do you think it will go back to normal after a few days? It's now been about 16 hrs and still crossed slightly.
I have stopping using that feed.
It sounds like it previously had crossbeak and it was just missed. The mess on her beak may be linked to the crossbeak. Crossbeaks are messy eaters and don't always keep their beaks as clean as they should.

Do you know what the feed had in it for nutrients? Sometimes the lack of specific nutrients can lead to crossbeak. Can you check your other chicks for crossbeak as well?
It sounds like it previously had crossbeak and it was just missed. The mess on her beak may be linked to the crossbeak. Crossbeaks are messy eaters and don't always keep their beaks as clean as they should.

Do you know what the feed had in it for nutrients? Sometimes the lack of specific nutrients can lead to crossbeak. Can you check your other chicks for crossbeak as well?
Everyone else is fine. My guess is that she had a small crossbeak and i just did not notice it at first. She is the smallest, but seems to be getting on fine. She eats and drinks, ill just keep cleaning her face a couple times a day and watching. She is one of my newly hatched Dual purpose chicks, if she grows good, and thrives despite the beak, she may just stay and move into the breeder coop and not the meat coop.
The feed was perfect in nutrients and they have testing every 90 days by a nutritionist. The rest of my flocks are on the adult feed, and doing very well.
Thank you for the input.
She is one of my newly hatched Dual purpose chicks, if she grows good, and thrives despite the beak, she may just stay and move into the breeder coop and not the meat coop.
I do not recommend breeding her. Whatever the cause, you never want to chance this being genetic. If it's genetic, her offspring will be way worse than her and will likely need to be culled or tube fed. (And if you’re selling these chicks, it could hurt your reputation.)

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