****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

Just a place in town called "Garden Center".
I found some links to waterers with similar designs:
http://www.bellsouth.com.au/drinkers/using cup systems 2010.asp

I kept a full bowl of water in the coop till I was sure it was working right and the chickens were drinking from it. I have had no problems with it, and as I said the girls like it.
I promise pics tonight, life has been crazy. Killing possums building chicken condos more pipe feeders''' lol. I will do it tonight, you would think I have my phone in my pocket every time I go to the coops lol. sorry sorry sorry sorry

It's okay:) Just don't let it happen again;) LOL!! Looking forward to seeing whats going down my friend!

ok here is some pictures of mine.

here is the feeder with the flock waiting for it to be opened.

here is the cap

here is the plug we just pull out, we dont unthread it becauses then it is to far for the girls to reach the feed.

this is the pic with the plug taken out

here they are rotating feeding, they r a little aggressive because they run out of feed this morning.

ok here is some pictures of mine.

here is the feeder with the flock waiting for it to be opened.

here is the cap

here is the plug we just pull out, we dont unthread it becauses then it is to far for the girls to reach the feed.

this is the pic with the plug taken out

here they are rotating feeding, they r a little aggressive because they run out of feed this morning.

That kinda looks like what I have been playing around with, what diameter pvc are you using?

Looks good.

John this one is 3 inch, my newest is 4 inch but I used a 4 inch to 3 inch y so as to keep the opening smaller to keep them from raking out the feed. I plan on doing a similar design in my first chicken tractor but use some angles to make it refillable from the outside.

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