****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

this is a GREAT idea and just what I need for my flock of 6! I have one question.... I am looking for materials for this and can only find 3 in pipe and fittings made of PVC. In order to assemble I would need to cement with PVC cement. Would the cement, after it was WELL CURED be hazardous to our girls? Any thoughts, experiences, or suggestions?
this is a GREAT idea and just what I need for my flock of 6! I have one question.... I am looking for materials for this and can only find 3 in pipe and fittings made of PVC. In order to assemble I would need to cement with PVC cement. Would the cement, after it was WELL CURED be hazardous to our girls? Any thoughts, experiences, or suggestions?

We used the pvc cement on our feeder and we've had no issues whatsoever (granted, it's only been about a month of having my ladies and gent). They've not pecked at it and even with all their scratching there hasn't been any degradation that I've been able to detect. So I guess I've only had a months worth of experience with it, but for what it's worth, it's been a good one :)
The PVC glue should not be a problem with the girls. Since 90% of it is in the joint, there's nothing for them to eat or peck at. If you're concerned, wait 3-4 hours for the glue to cure before filling.
THANKS soooo MUCH i love it AND i wanna do it !!!!!! --dO YOU USE JUST FOR FEED OR WILL WATER WORK AS WELL ??
I created my feeder using a 6 foot length of waste pipe with a cowling ( intended for poking through the roof of a house ) upturned for the feed bowl...works a treat and holds a months supply for 4 birds.


This is our feeder we made... Some of mine used it this morning but some of mine were skeptical.... Does it take a while for them to get use to it? I also just switched from crumbles to pellets and they don't seem to like those much either.. Picky little rascals ..haha
I have a similar feeder bucket. I like it but there are cons. First being how heavy it is to lift into place when I fill it. Might not be an issue in a large coop but mine is small and hard to get in and out of. The second issue I have had is the girls like to roost on top of it, so they then poo in the bottom pan. Other than those two cons the rest is all good. I fill it once every two weeks, for 9 girls and one Roo. They all free range and get scratch and kitchen/garden scraps as treats. They also steal the goat rations whenever the have and opportunity. The goats do retaliate by getting in the chicken coop, scaring the "eggs" out of the hens and giving my not very brave Roo a heart attack. Life on the farm is always entertaining...lol!
this is a GREAT idea and just what I need for my flock of 6! I have one question.... I am looking for materials for this and can only find 3 in pipe and fittings made of PVC. In order to assemble I would need to cement with PVC cement. Would the cement, after it was WELL CURED be hazardous to our girls? Any thoughts, experiences, or suggestions?
The water pipes in most houses are made from PVC.

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