****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

I don't have pictures of the 5 gallon feeder yet, however, I do have pictures of the feeder pipes. danroberts you said in an earlier post that you were worried about sharp edges. I sand my edges down with sandpaper after I do any cutting, and then rinse or wipe down the items afterwards to eliminate any dust or debris left behind from sanding. Here are the pics of the tube feeders. The bottom picture shows the temporary caps that I adhered with power grip which is a type of caulking that dries clear. The other picture is just the two tube feeders side by side. Hope this helps.

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What a great idea!!!! I was just searching for a good way to feed my girls and also where to store the food and I have just found it!! Thank you for sharing!
I like the tube feeders for two reasons. First and foremost, it cuts down on the amount of "loss" that I have. Secondly, it doesn't take up so much "prime real estate" inside of the coop which is ideal. I got the idea from one of the members at BYC. I look back now, and wonder how I got by all those years with the typical bulky feeders.
With this arrangement how many tube feeders do you need compared to the number of birds (in an arrangement where they are also ranging in small rotating paddocks during the day)? I am pretty new to this, so appreciate the information.

Raising them up will help for sure!! You went PRO with the half caps!!! PLEASE PLEASE keep me updated:)
While not everyone has the tools, I found that by threading the PVC holes to receive the nipples make it next to impossible for the chickens to rip them out. Simply use a 7/16 inch tap.

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